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Windows 10 quiet hours free

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If you disable this policy setting, a default value will be used, and users won’t be able to change it or any other Quiet Hours setting. For a clean and simple layout, use Reading view in the Microsoft Edge browser address bar to bring whatever you’re reading front and center.


Focus assist automatic activation settings


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Hide Steam Games You’re Playing. Use Your iPhone as a Webcam. Browse All Buying Guides. Lenovo Yoga 7i Inch Laptop Review. Google Pixel 6a Review. SwitchBot Lock Review. Amazon Fire 7 Kids Tablet Review. To turn on Do not disturb, select On. You can also turn on do not disturb automatically. In Turn on do not disturb automatically, choose specific times to turn it on or specific certain conditions when you want it turned on.

Check that Notifications are enabled. All account types are supported. Open focus assist settings. You can then choose which types of notifications you want to see. For a clean and simple layout, use Reading view in the Microsoft Edge browser address bar to bring whatever you’re reading front and center. After you open an article, you’ll see a book icon on the right side of your browser. When you select it, you’ll be in reading view. Windows 11 Windows 10 More Don’t be so animated Minimize visual distractions by turning off animations, background images, and more.

To minimize distractions, do one or more of the following: To automatically hide the scrollbars in Windows, turn off the Always show scrollbars switch. Clean up taskbar clutter Choose which icons appear on the taskbar and reduce the number of items in view. Simplify the Start menu You can select what to show in the Start menu—keeping distractions at a minimum and finding what you need quickly. To simplify the Start menu, do one or more of the following: To show or hide recently added apps, toggle the Show recently added apps switch on or off.

Quiet down those notifications Do not disturb allows you to define which notifications you see and hear and when. You can also modify the notifications settings to choose which apps display notifications. To see and hear fewer notifications, turn on Do not disturb. Choose from the different options under Simplify and personalize Windows.

System icons, like the clock and battery indicator, can also be turned on or off. Simplify the Start menu Many apps use Live Tiles to show updates on what’s happening in your world, like new email, your next appointment, or the weekend weather.

Users won’t be able to change this or any other Quiet Hours settings. If you don’t configure this policy setting, Quiet Hours are enabled by default but can be turned off or by the administrator or user. Windows system features aren’t affected by this policy. If you disable or don’t configure this policy setting, toast notifications are enabled and can be turned off by the administrator or user.

This policy setting specifies the number of minutes after midnight local time that Quiet Hours is to begin each day. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback?


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