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Xero verify install – xero verify install

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Enter your new backup email address, then click Continue. To use push notifications, select Xero Verify. This is especially important if you share the device you use to access Xero with others. When you log in to Xero, you can select a box to skip the authenticate step for up to 30 days. What’s next? Thanks for leaving a страница. Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS

Xero verify install – xero verify install

The Xero Verify app is simple to use. You can receive push notifications for fast authentication, instead of having to open the app and enter a code into Xero. We recommend installing the Xero Verify authenticator app so you can receive push notifications for quick and easy authentication.


Xero verify install – xero verify install

The Xero Verify app is simple to use. You can receive push notifications for fast authentication, instead of having to open the app and enter a code into Xero. We recommend installing the Xero Verify authenticator app so you can receive push notifications for quick and easy authentication.


Why does the Xero Verify App keep generating codes?


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