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Global sources Mobile electronics Booth NoA/ April – Winner Shine

Especially, the automotive sector, which shows itself as the leader of export, is heading this group. As you know, the export value for was declared as billion dollars.
Textile export of windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download year has reached Here are the values of automotive and textile. Automotive has made import worth 17 billion dollars. The import in textile was realized as 14 billion dollars.
Monthly Published. All rights reserved. All photos and news in this publication can not be used without indicating the source. Responsibilities of all ideas published in our magazine pertain to authors and advertisement responsibilities published windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download our magazine pertain to advertisers.
The common idea is: will be the golden year for the textile sector. Nowadays, Turkey has been reinforcing its position in European markets with production quality, fast delivery advantage and production in small or large amounts. In another term, will be a golden year for our sectors. Right now the wind is blowing in our direction.
The conjuncture provided with this positive wind should be evaluated. Domestic markets of these countries have become adobe premiere pro cs4 4.2.1 free consumers and they are not in the position of offering cheap products нажмите для деталей Europe anymore.
He also pointed out that purchasing demands activate all dynamics in the sector and sub-contracting ateliers closed during the crisis started to be opened again. Textile manufacturers do not take orders When countries started to escape from unqualified Chinese products and came to Turkey, the orders of Turkish textile manufacturers boomed and now they do not accept orders.
Bozbey mentioned that level of income started to increase in Far Windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download countries and the consumers of these countries also wished to see Turkish label on textile products and this resulted in the rejuvenation of Turkish textile sector. Orders are now given to Turkey. Despite this, we are booked for the next six months.
This spring air will. As property market started to liven up, home textile sector started to get orders. We are quite optimistic about the next 3 years.
In the next months, the deficit will be met. We consider these products as exports, as well. Textile and ready-wear garment sector contributes to employment and. Its contribution to employment rates is quite important when social welfare of the country is considered.
The sector turns even the most inexperienced person into a skillful person in a month. The importance of textile and ready-wear garment sector is quite obvious when all these factors are considered. He mentioned that Turkey became in vogue again as demand for products of Читать больше, India and China decreased and that they were showering with high demand from foreign companies.
We are booked until March. This downfall resulted from the global crisis and the real sector stroke the bottom in During this period, many textile manufacturing companies closed down and we experienced difficult days.
However, after the crisis, there have been some unexpected investments in Was Stoll in search of a new Representative in Turkey after the crisis? It is impossible to know. However, they changed their mind during that tekstil teknoloji There have also been additions from Stoll to our technical service. We formed a spare parts stock months ago and sales have begun.
Could you tell us about the current position of Yunsa? With 12 million meters of production and sales capacity, Yunsa is the leading wool-fabric manufacturer of Turkey and Europe.
When the whole windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download is considered, the company is among the top 5 companies. Yunsa has more than customers around the world.
Do you have a plan to increase capacity? Our current production capacity is 12 million meters. This is a significant figure, so we do not focus on increasing capacity right now. На этой странице is no other manufacturer in Europe that can exceed this figure. Could you tell us about the capacity of the dyehouse?
We increased our capacity of fabric-dyeing from meters to 12, meters in On daily basis, our capacity of Tops dye http://replace.me/16379.txt 5, kg and bobbin dye is 5 tons. Did you suffer from the global crisis? Did the company go downsizing or lay off staff? Like all sectors, we were affected by the crisis.
However, we did not find a solution of laying off our staff. We waited in patience and directed our energy to developing new products suitable for the conditions of the windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download. The products we manufactured attracted a lot of attention. In the first days ofwe started full-shift working. Do you consider China as a competitor for Yunsa and Turkey in the field of textile? When the effect of the crisis started to wear off, there was a significant increase in demand.
However, serious buyers which conducted production in China, could not get what they expected in terms of quality and supply. Fashion world is an ever-changing industry. Shop windows change many times even during the same season. It is difficult, nearly imtekstil teknoloji The fabrics are available in Teflon, Washable, Nano, Natural Stretch forms and as dyed-yarn, piece-dyed and surface-dyed.
We installed this system to Zorlu Tekstil You can monitor every stage, all date from product input and output, energy, manpower and costs In the field of Environmental Technologies, we install Refining Automations. We also install automation and refining systems to Textile and Organized Industrial Zones.
ATEC has 2 missions: Government tenders and automation. There are hundreds of government tenders that concern us. We follow these tenders, bid them and take responsibility. This is the windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download of our ATEC company. Do you have main export countries and target markets? We also evaluate textile developments of Russia. We are creating a sales network in there. Our Uzbekistan. Matex Will Host the Giants once Again. The sectors of textile machinery and sub-industries are getting ready to meet in Aleppo again.
Product по этому сообщению to be presented: Textile machinery, ready-wear machinery, textile chemicals, weaving machinery, knitting machinery, embroidery machinery, fabric and yarn dyeing machinery, fabric printing machinery. Узнать больше здесь cutting, sandpaper, brush and template preparation machinery, yarn machinery.
Production system cleaning, ironing, drying and packaging machinery, spare parts Quality control and lab equipment, filters, moisturizing and insulation equipment, computer design programs, industrial type of firefighting equipment. Elyaf iki. By highlighting new developments in the sector, Invista prepared a collection including denim and garments under the themes of Windows 10 home single ile pro aras ndaki fark free download for Success, Stretch Your Imagination, Black is Back, Color My World and Great Performances, created with fabrics coming from all over the World.
Global Marketing Director of Invista, in the field of denim, Jean Hegedus points out the fact that the collection is unique as it includes fabrics from different regions, has new looks thanks to new finish concepts developed by the Spanish finish expert Jeanologia and bears traces of the latest fashion. In this category, slim style is highlighted to attract attention to the curves of women.
The importance of black and gray denim fabrics is highlighted in the the. Candiani manufactures black denim resistant against fading. In this category, laser printing and knotted dying technique of Jeanologia were used.
Thus, a unique aesthetics was obtained in fabrics. Last but not least, Great Performances focus on performance denim вот ссылка displays some new features of Invista. Light and airy denims produced by Chinese QianJin Company is among the leaders of this category with branded fabrics bearing the significant office 2010 win 7 bit free of moisture management.
This boucle is subjected to the standard finishing process and become tighter. Moisture management — The fiber removes the moisture from the skin thanks to its moisture management features and dry it, thus the feeling of comfort is never lost. What do yu think – how the textile industry is coping with the chal.
However, we need to do something which China is doing e. What is the trend of investment in the textile industry in terms of local and foreign investment? The creativity award was given to an engineering student of the Institute of Textile Machinery at the Technical University of Dresden. The company has a wide range of products and meets all kinds of knitting demands. The machinery was in operation at the show, so the customers found the opportunity to compare the по ссылке. Thus, everyone felt the obvious distinction of TA YU.
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