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Hij is initiatiefnemer van het altmetrics manifesto. Paul heeft bovendien meegewerkt aan een korte film over sociale media en open access in Zie […]. But how do we measure the success of this paper in a timely manner […]. As altmetrics is still a young discipline, more […]. The main concept behind Altmetrics is that its system can easily tell you which articles are the […].

These reforms could certainly make the system fairer and better, […]. The altmetrics promise, as laid out in the excellent manifesto, is that they assess impact quicker and on a broader […]. The much derided […]. Not really “metrics” either]. The Altmetrics. org manifesto clearly lays out the ambitions for what those active in the field envision altmetrics to be: acting […]. Data collected by altmetric platforms come from many sources, ranging from PDF downloads on […].

Version 1. Biomedical digital […]. Altmetrics gives you the answer, as well as an opportunity to find out which articles are widely disputed in […].

This provides an opportunity to […]. Even he […]. This is in alternative to looking at either citations of journal impact factors. Article level metrics altmetrics are becoming the new currency to measure research impact. They measure reach through article […]. They measure reach through article views, downloads, traditional media or mentions in social media. New companies are launching in order to measure this response, and to create an alternative to the traditional ways of measuring the impact of a paper.

Instead of looking at the number of […]. Since the drafting of the altmetrics manifesto, there has been a special issue, a PLoS collection, a Mendeley group, several annual workshops, an […]. Since the drafting of the altmetrics manifesto, there has been a special issue, a PLOS collection, a Mendeley group, […]. Felix Ankel felixankel distributed an email referring to the issue a few days a go at the beginning of CORD Academic Assembly, being the highlight of the mail the Altmetrics Manifesto.

Social media platforms leave footprints on the web. The Research Councils and Governments have taken a much greater interest in the impact of […]. II Given growing attentions on altmetrics, a concept to show how the work has been evaluated, Mendeley readership, as a research evaluation […].

Remember, the funding agencies can control this to some extent; if you incentivise outreach by […]. Do tune […]. Metrics for investigate evaluation tend to strengthen a appetite of normal educational […]. Started only in , altmetrics have become a phenomenon both in the scientific community and in the publishing world.

My favorite Twitter folks: leslieR Leslie […]. The Higher Education Funding Council for England HEFCE and the San Fransisco Declaration on Research Assessment DORA are researching and recommending other measures than traditional journal metrics for scholarly impact.

Alternative methods for measuring the impact of a publication, like Altmetrics, take into account social sharing and other data to quickly shed light on trending topics and the […]. Several publishers offer data collected from third parties […]. Alt-metrics: A Manifesto. Altmetrics is also an attempt to catch up with […]. Altmetrics, a term coined by Jason Priem, are metrics about articles, data sets, videos, web pages, and […].

NSERC; 7. Number of grants from different agencies; 8. Altmetrics; 9. Kardashian-Index; Blogs; Media interviews; Volunteered conference presentations; […]. Tracking citations and altmetrics social web indicators that tell you when others are sharing, discussing, saving, and reusing your […]. These interactions tend to leave traces on the scholarly web. In , with the publication of the altmetrics manifesto, an alternative measure of impact was proposed.

Since then, altmetrics have been hotly debated and […]. The altmetrics manifesto argues that more diverse metrics were required to fully reflect a more diverse scholarly […]. In this they also, with admirable honesty, present the notable question mark that hangs over how […].

According to Jason Priem on altmetrics. I took inspiration from many places including the PLOS Altmetrics collection, the original manifesto, and from other guides on the topic. While there is a lot of information on altmetrics available […]. Since then in our DITA lab sessions we have had the chance to […]. Mit Blick auf Altmetrics ein nachvollziehbarer […]. Several altmetric data providers and aggregators have appeared during the recent years.

However, […]. Altmetrics are alternative metrics to the widely-used […]. Altmetrics usually use APIs and algorithms to track and create metrics from the activity on the […]. com, ImpactStory. org, and Plum Analytics. These metrics […]. But still, most of us would suspect that many articles are cited but not read. Is there a way […]. Accessed February 27, org, , pp. org — this community is striving to understand and measure the products and practices of […].

China is overtaking the US to become the biggest producer of […]. isがORCIDと連携したり、altmetricsの要素のひとつになるならば、・・ 妄想が広がり、これはDanに会って色々教えて貰わねば、とメール交換していた時、「I ANNOTATE 」を開催するからそこに来い、とお誘い頂いた、というのが経緯です。 […].

Gleichzeitig ist Altmetric auch ein Unternehmen, das diese Dienstleistung anbietet. And the ways of measuring impact using tools like Altmetrics and Kudos? Researchers are under pressure now not only to study and publish, but to prove that what […]. Altmetrics in the henhouse?? But that is for another day, another […]. But it would be quite a leap from where we are now to feed these alternative […]. ImpactStory is committed to […]. But we do need to learn how to make them […]. It certainly seems to have been met with less buzz than the now iconic altmetrics manifesto, which Jason Priem et al.

As Cassidy Sugimoto csugimoto pointed out in the […]. There are systems in place now to look at this kind of activity. org moves beyond the traditional academic internal measures of peer review, Journal Impact Factor […]. These new metrics have become a buzzword in the last years.

But then I took another look at the altmetrics manifesto the 5th anniversary of this important object was celebrated at the conference and reevaluated my […]. Altmetrics are the so-called alternative metrics to science: see the short manifesto. These two events discussed alternative metrics to science.

The 2:AM conference was a mix of […]. The year social media really exploded. And the year the altmetrics manifesto was published […]. Revised, v 1. Die Website Altmetrics. Neylon , Altmetrics: A manifesto, 26 October See the altmetrics manifesto for the original explanation and justification; the Wikipedia article has further background. Altmetrics: A manifesto. In , a group of upstart scholars and information scientists published Altmetrics: a manifesto.

They believe that the measure of influence and impact can be much broader by looking at references […]. Meanwhile, journal altmetrics that take web and social media engagement into account are gaining in popularity and impact. And […]. DOI: When someone talks about an article on a blog or social media, we collect it. You can read all about it in the altmetrics manifesto.

Neylon , Altmetrics: A manifesto, 26 October […]. Building on previous research, the manifesto proposed that social media indicators can be used to […].

Evaluating the significance of a particular document — a journal article, blog, dataset, etc. They are calculated by projects like Impactstory and companies like Altmetric. com and Plum […]. They are meant to supplement, […]. Alternative metrics altmetrics allow especially young scientists to build a reputation by counting the numbers of […]. Working with DataCite we issued our first DOI for the E. coli genome, and the altmetrics community using tools such as Impact Story have shown it is also possible to track GitHub use […].

Somewhere in the middle perhaps sit altmetrics, which attempt to give a quantative measure of the quality and quantity of attention that a […]. Your email is never shared. Tweet altmetrics. The Altmetrics Collection. Jul AUG Sep 21 About this capture. COLLECTED BY. Organization: Internet Archive. Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls. Skip to content. about altmetrics: a manifesto altmetrics Tracking scholarly impact on the social Web Putting Scientometrics 2.

org science Blogs and Bloggers [v0] UCount: a Community-Driven Approach for Measuring Scientific Reputation [v0] Altmetrics for Eurekometrics [v0] Acknowledging contributions to online expert assistance [v0] Who are we talking about? edu altmetrics expanding impacts and metrics media altmetrics 5 years in, what do we know?

What do we know about Altmetric. com sources? A study of the top blogs and news sites mentioning scholarly outputs Determining Twitter audiences: Geolocation and number of followers Metrics and document versions: how should altmetrics providers handle metrics for preprints, author manuscripts, and the published version? The meaning of impact in altmetrics Moving beyond counts: A method for surveying Twitter users Do tweets to scientific articles contain positive or negative sentiments?

The positive effect of interdisciplinarity on altmetrics for humanities-related research outputs Challenges and opportunities for detecting and measuring diffusion of scientific impact across heterogeneous altmetric sources The need for more sophisticated altmetric indicators: A proposal for the categorization and development of aggregate indicators Can altmetrics be used as a basis for science policy?

Is there a need for an organisation to curate, maintain, support and promote the effective and ethical use of metrics? Telling our story: A narrative deconstruction of metrics in research assessment altmetrics Moving beyond counts: integrating context altmetrics The dependencies of altmetrics altmetrics BYOR: Bring Your Own Research. altmetrics: a manifesto No one can read everything.

It is slow, encourages conventionality, and fails to hold reviewers accountable. Moreover, given that most papers are eventually published somewhere, peer-review fails to limit the volume of research.

Citation counting measures are useful, but not sufficient. Citation measures are narrow; influential work may remain uncited. These metrics are narrow; they neglect impact outside the academy, and also ignore the context and reasons for citation.

Widespread self-publishing via blogging, microblogging, and comments or annotations on existing work. How can altmetrics improve existing filters? Road map for altmetrics Speculation regarding altmetrics Taraborelli, ; Neylon and Wu, ; Priem and Hemminger, is beginning to yield to empirical investigation and working tools.

Jason Priem , University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill jasonpriem Dario Taraborelli , Wikimedia Foundation readermeter Paul Groth , VU University Amsterdam pgroth Cameron Neylon , Science and Technology Facilities Council cameronneylon. Neylon , Altmetrics: A manifesto , 26 October Posted October 27, at am Permalink.

Posted October 28, at am Permalink. Steve Hitchcock. Posted October 29, at pm Permalink. Jason Priem. Grove Patel. Posted January 18, at pm Permalink. Posted January 19, at pm Permalink. Julian Newman. Posted June 19, at pm Permalink. Dana Roth. Posted February 14, at pm Permalink. research paper writing service. Posted November 15, at am Permalink. Steve Mount. Posted December 24, at pm Permalink.

Luiz Felipe Franco Belussi. Posted January 12, at pm Permalink. Posted February 4, at pm Permalink. Posted April 2, at pm Permalink. Posted May 11, at am Permalink. Posted August 27, at pm Permalink. Posted October 7, at pm Permalink.

MEDI VIJAY. Posted February 13, at am Permalink. Posted August 21, at pm Permalink. Tom Wilson. Posted November 18, at am Permalink. Posted July 11, at pm Permalink. By November 8th at 5pm: New Methods in Scholarship — UNC Digital Scholarship Group on November 8, at pm. By Alt-metrics: a manifesto — altmetrics. org Science Report Biology News, Economics News, Computer Science News, Mathematics News, Physics News, Psychology News on December 2, at pm.

By Weekend Reading: Happy Halloween Edition – ProfHacker – The Chronicle of Higher Education on December 3, at pm. By My open access conversion « Anne Peattie on December 13, at am. By Quora on December 13, at pm. By January Topic on December 16, at pm. By Has journal article commenting failed? By my. org: alt-metrics for your CV — Jason Priem on January 15, at am. By Alternative metrics at ScienceOnline and beyond « the Undergraduate Science Librarian on January 20, at pm.

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By alt-metrics, a new tool for research assessment « Shamprasad Pujar on June 16, at pm. By Jason Priem, alt-metrics – IRISC on June 30, at am. By Random Hacks on July 2, at pm. By Semantically Mapping Science Project VU Amsterdam juliembirkholz on July 28, at pm. By Are we using the right metrics? By Altmetrics juliembirkholz on July 29, at pm. By Many authors have begun to call for investigation… « Dr. Direnc Sakarya on August 17, at pm. By Inundata — DataCite , recap on August 26, at am.

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By Mendeley Binary Battle Top 40 is it just me on November 4, at am. By Mendeley is announcing the Top 40 of their binary battle « PG PUSHPN Blog on November 4, at am. By BMJ Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » Tracking scholarly impact on the social web: altmetrics on November 4, at pm. By Binary Battle Finalists Announced The Official PLoS Blog on November 16, at pm. By Twitter and the new scholarly ecosystem — Jason Priem on November 30, at pm. By Blog Analytic Services for JISC MRD Project Blogs Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN on December 9, at am.

By Mendeley Binary Battle Top 40 Wolfgang Reinhardt on December 13, at am. By Alternative metrics in Africa: An Interview with Cameron Neylon – Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme on December 13, at pm. By Beyond Blogging as an Open Practice, What About Associated Open Usage Data? By Mit kleinem Kreditrahmen? Library Ideas on December 14, at pm. By BMJ Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » Twimpact factors: can tweets really predict citations?

on January 6, at pm. By How Could Twitter Influence Science And Why Scientists Are on Board – Forbes on January 15, at pm. By Articles tweeted about are 11 times more likely to be highly cited in journal articles : Real Lawyers Have Blogs on January 16, at pm.

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By Figshare: a new way to publish scientific research data « Wellcome Trust Blog on January 18, at pm. By Journal News « sharmanedit on January 20, at pm. By ScienceOnline — It gave me a whole new perspective of science and those involved » Collaborative Chemistry on January 22, at am. By A Open Archive of My F Reviews « I wish you’d made me angry earlier on January 28, at pm.

By » Quantifying impact: A better metric for measuring journalism The Linchpen on January 29, at am. By Altmetrics « News from JURN. org on January 30, at pm. By Measuring the influence of scholarship via social media knowledgebot on January 30, at pm. By Scholars Seek Better Ways to Track Impact Online Institute Library News on January 30, at pm.

By Altmetrics: a manifesto « my memex on January 31, at pm. By Scholars Seek Better Ways to Track Impact Online Research Impact: Scholarly Communication Carleton University on January 31, at pm. By It Must Be Measured: Scio12 Altmetrics Whizbang on January 31, at pm. By On Sharing With the Right People, or Why Online Metrics to Assess “Impact” Should Be Qualitative Too HASTAC on January 31, at pm. By LIS DREaM Workshop 2: London and Library Day in the Life Day One Walk You Home on January 31, at pm.

By Scholars Seek Better Ways to Track Impact Online « Phx Friends of UA SIRLS on February 3, at pm. By Is scientific publishing broken? What can you do to help fix it? Statistical Epidemiology on February 5, at pm. By Learning From Shared Twitter Links Before Trunk. By Impactos alternativos on February 10, at am.

By Altmetrics-Studie: Neue Verfahren wissenschaftlicher Impact-Messung wisspub. net on February 11, at am. By Scholars Seek Better Ways to Track Impact Online Syazliutm’s Blog on February 14, at pm. By ACM Web Science Conference concludes Web Science Trust on February 15, at pm.

By Metrics Remixed: The Times They Are a Webby InTechWeb Blog on February 22, at am. By BMJ Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » Total-impact: tool for researchers combines traditional and alternative metrics on February 24, at pm. By Resistance Emerging to Sci Tech Publishing Status Quo : Beyond Search on March 6, at am.

By Academia vs. FOSS: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly « Digifesto on March 8, at am. By Proposal related-work. net blog on March 12, at am. By Related-work. net — Product Requirement Document released! on March 12, at am. By Beyond the PDF: Experiments in Open-Access Scholarly Publishing MLA13 CFP The Lapland Chronicles on March 15, at am.

By Quora on March 15, at pm. By Altmetrics — Alternative Metrics for Articles think: impact 2. By The Future of Metrics in Science DCXL on April 6, at pm. org on April 18, at pm. By Post-Publication Peer Review: What Value Do Usage-Based Metrics Offer? By Defining new metrics for journalism Andrew Spittle on April 28, at pm. By How Elsevier can save itself, part 3: Hard « Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week AcademicSpring on May 2, at am.

By jodischneider. By New ways to evaluate scientists « Science 2. By How academics make their own job market even harder. Statistical Epidemiology on May 25, at am. By Two Architects of Library Discovery Tools Launch an Altmetrics Venture — The Digital Shift on May 31, at pm. By Mendeley 機関版ワークショップ「Mendeley: 研究活動の新しい基準と図書館の役割」参加レポート « keitabando’s Blog on June 2, at am.

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on July 22, at pm. By Altmetrics — Trying to Fill the Gap « The Scholarly Kitchen on July 25, at am. By Social Analytics for Institutional Twitter Accounts Provided by the 24 Russell Group Universities « UK Web Focus on August 3, at pm. By Impact of blogging and social media on article downloads « Carlo Ierna’s Blog on August 28, at pm.

By Get visible or vanish « phd with kids on September 4, at am. on September 5, at pm. By Altmetrics por todas partes « Primer cuartil Q1 on September 9, at pm. By Open access — is the UK leading the way? By Altmetrics Biblioteksbloggen on September 25, at pm. By What Can Web Accessibility Metrics Learn From Alt. By BMJ Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » Plum Analytics: a new player in the field of altmetrics? on September 28, at pm.

By iridium — reporting on identification of available external and internal tools RDM tools « iridium on October 3, at am. By The Infinite Tweeters Theory The Great Green Birds on October 3, at pm. By British Library Data Citation on October 29, at am.

By More Caught My Eye Against-the-Grain. com on October 29, at pm. By What is open about Open Science? Definitions and debate on October 29, at pm. By moving beyond the low-hanging altmetrics fruit « justin’s longish notes on October 30, at pm. By ReRank. it rerank on November 3, at pm. it What is it? on November 3, at pm. By Inside BioMed Central at the 3rd Open Access Africa conference – Research to Action – Research to Action on November 6, at pm. By SpotOn London Altmetrics everywhere — but what are we missing?

solo12impact SpotOn on November 7, at pm. By Understanding the Limits of Altmetrics: Slideshare Statistics « UK Web Focus on November 8, at pm. By Inundata — PLOS Altmetrics workshop on November 8, at pm. By NIF Blog » Blog Archive » A Call to Science Bloggers on November 9, at pm.

By Charleston bX Usage-Based Services « eclectic librarian on November 11, at am. By SpotOn London Altmetrics beyond the Numbers SpotOn on November 13, at am. By Before the Gate: the open way forward in the humanities tjm. org on November 13, at pm. By Altmetrics — Replacing the Impact Factor Is Not the Only Point « The Scholarly Kitchen on November 14, at am.

By Research should be produced, not just published – The Ubiquitous Librarian – The Chronicle of Higher Education on November 17, at pm. By Communicating your research online? Connected Researchers on November 17, at pm. By Thing Blog, tweet or post a link 23 Things for Research on November 19, at am. By oped12 «…Sulle spalle di giganti» « serenaturri’s Blog on November 19, at pm. By Metrics and Beyond SpotOn London Altmetric. com on November 21, at pm.

By Interview with Dr. Victor Henning, Mendeley QuestioScientia. com on November 23, at pm. By Dr. 来日講演(福岡編) « KeitaBando on November 26, at am. 来日講演(横浜編) « KeitaBando on November 27, at am. By LSE Future of Academic Impact Conference Strategist. ie on December 4, at pm. By Mendeley group: All papers discussed in our journalclub to be found on one single site Causality on December 6, at am. By ChemSpider Blog » Blog Archive » Rewards and Recognition for the Authors of ChemSpider SyntheticPages on December 11, at pm.

By How often is your work mentioned in social media sites? Researcher Library Blog on December 12, at am. By Infobib » Altmetrics in VuFind on December 18, at pm.

LSDI on January 4, at am. By From card catalogs to computers: databases in vertebrate paleontology – Ross Mounce on January 12, at pm.

By A monitoring and evaluation activity for all think tanks: ask what explains your reach on think tanks on January 14, at am.

By How To Bring Academics to the Social-Media Party? Indirectly Tim McCormick on January 14, at pm. By Open Science Summit Addresses The Future Of Research « on January 15, at am.

By Version 4 upgrade: Altmetrics tracking the impact of new journal publications embeddable in Library OneSearch « Library OneSearch NTU on January 22, at pm. By Inundata — Altmetrics as a discovery tool on January 24, at am. By Altmetrics – A manifesto for better information filtering. on February 6, at pm. By Mendeley — vakliteratuur 2. By OAI8, the 8th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19th to 21st June By ALIA Information Online Library Staff Training Reports on February 22, at am.

By ACM Web Science Conference concludes – Web Science Trust on February 25, at am. the blog on February 25, at am. By DREaM workshop two. Part three of five events. Intermittent notes on February 25, at pm. By Thoughts on Tools of Change Musings and Marvels on March 1, at am. By Will changing how science is measured change what science produces? Bouncing Ideas on March 2, at pm. By Disruptive Tools for Research and Publication SLA Silicon Valley on March 6, at pm.

By The revelations of research, and altmetrics joesart. org on March 11, at pm. By Publishers Opposing Federally Mandated Public Access to Research Outputs InfoEdge – Reading the industry so you don’t have to on March 12, at pm.

By Science Online NYC SoNYC — Setting the Research Record Straight: Recap SpotOn on March 14, at pm. By New metrics need fresh data Think Links on March 15, at pm.

By New metrics need fresh data – Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group on March 16, at pm. By tramullas. com on March 19, at am.

By Altmetrics Forskningsrelaterat on April 4, at pm. By New features to help follow and filter your interests, on FPrime Naturally Selected on April 8, at pm.

By Elsevier giant for-profit scholarly publisher buys Mendeley free citation By Altmetrics and Digital Impact FSU Digital Scholars on April 16, at pm. By Nature is not a Book » Is it already time for alt-alt-metrics? on April 17, at pm. By Research Data Management and Services — recap with links Ted Baldwin and Linda Newman UC Libraries Digital Learning Community on April 17, at pm.

By Infobib » Plum Analytics PlumX on April 19, at pm. By Altmetrics: Alternate Ways to Assess the Impact of Your Research Academic Technology on April 19, at pm. By TUHH Library: The future of publishing on April 30, at am. By The next era of scholarly publication Next stop: Science on April 30, at am.

By All That Glitters is Not Gold: The Fallacy of Open Access Evangelism Adam G. Dunn on May 5, at am. By A critical view of altmetrics Konrad Hinsen’s Blog on May 8, at pm. By Bring your own identity Amber at Warwick: academic technology on May 12, at pm. By Impact Story Sexy Statistics on May 13, at pm. By Article-Level Metrics librarythings uow on May 14, at am. By Vicki Chandler: The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment Living Biology on May 17, at pm.

By Just say no to impact factors 1tourism. com on May 18, at pm. By What is impact? Naturally Selected on May 20, at pm. By Altmetrics and open access — a measure of public interest Australian Open Access Support Group on May 22, at pm. By Steering clear of the iceberg: three ways we can fix the data-credibilty crisis in science TechDiem.

com on May 25, at pm. By The Challenges of Measuring Social Impact Using Altmetrics – Research Trends on May 27, at pm. By Links for the week th December 40thieves’ Infrequently Updated Blog on June 4, at pm. By Tech Roundup LibraryTechTalk on June 7, at pm. By BYOI: ORCID and Impact Story Amber at Warwick: academic technology on June 13, at pm. By Altmetrics: alternative modes for assessing scholarly impact Learning at the Library on June 18, at pm.

By Why a NISO effort to standardise AltMetrics? Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week AcademicSpring on June 22, at pm. By Blogging and Tenure lauren’s library blog on June 25, at pm. By Legacy vs. Digital Models of Academic Scholarship JustPublics on June 28, at am. By IWMW 1 The shape of things on July 1, at am.

By Science metrics, LitRoost, and the networked era The UnStudent Blog on July 2, at pm. By Impact Factor Shifting from Journal to Article JustPublics on July 5, at pm.

By 図書館員は、研究者へのaltmetrics支援をいつやるか? 今でs(ry KeitaBando on July 6, at am. By journal impact factors: what are they good for? net on July 9, at pm. By Twitter per web editori scientifici Prometeus – ANBI Magazine on July 12, at am. By Altmetrics: A Primer SFObound on July 17, at pm. By The Pernicious Mission Creep of Ranking Academic Journals – on July 30, at pm.

By Altmetrics: New Measures of Influence for the Web 2. By Caldo e freddo polare — Ocasapiens – Blog – Repubblica. it on August 7, at am. By ImpactStory: telling an alternative story around scholarly impact librarythings uow on August 8, at am.

By Altmetrics and the Global South: Increasing research visibility – Research to Action – Research to Action on August 13, at am. By ORCID Ambassador に就任しました KeitaBando on August 16, at am. By Defining social media terms Heidi Allen Digital Strategy on August 19, at pm. By Professional Development — A belated ALA report on August 22, at pm. By Defining social media reach, impact, and virality.

on September 2, at pm. 来日講演(横浜編) KeitaBando on September 4, at am. 来日講演(福岡編) KeitaBando on September 4, at am. Workshop presentation: Mendeley Institutional Edition KeitaBando on September 4, at pm.

By Is Altmetric for me Hazman Labs, Inc on September 7, at am. By Some considerations regarding data-driven design As I learn on September 9, at pm. By A brief introduction to altmetrics for researchers – Research to Action – Research to Action on September 11, at am. By 査読はどうあるべきなのか – システム論ブログ – 永井俊哉 on September 12, at am. By The future of the peer-review systems – Systemics Blog – Nagai Toshiya on September 12, at am.

By Academics online: what are the risks? This Sociological Life on September 16, at am. By My objectives as a Panton Fellow OKF Open Science Working Group on September 24, at pm. By 坂東, 慶太. altmetrics OAWeek KeitaBando on October 1, at am. By Glorious Generalist: What Should Technology Librarians Be Doing About Alternative Metrics? on October 2, at pm. By Lunchlezing Paul Groth: Telling your research story with metrics Wilma van den Brink on October 3, at am.

By My objectives as a Panton Fellow Science and the Web on October 4, at am. By The Future of Metrics in Science Data Pub on October 14, at pm. By Open Access: Redefining Impact Florida Institute of Technology on October 16, at pm. By Defining social media terms Heidi Allen on October 23, at am. 選択したアプリを「アプリ一覧」へ追加 選択したアプリを競合アプリとして追加. アプリ 検索知名度順位 カテゴリー順位 ランクインしているキーワード 1. Xodo PDF リーダー&エディター. Xodo Technologies Inc.

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