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Delivering a Good Microsoft Teams Experience in VDI

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Teams on a non-persistent VDI. We currently use persistent VDI’s and are looking to switch to non-persistent for some users. The issue we are running into is that Teams can’t be installed on the template, since it is user specific. We can run a script that installs Teams upon login, but it has to run at every login on the non-persistent VDI’s. Aug 10,  · To install Microsoft Teams in your Azure Virtual Desktop environment: Download the Teams MSI package that matches your environment. We recommend using the bit installer on a bit operating system. Run one of the following commands to install the MSI to the host VM: Per-user installation. PowerShell. Copy. Jul 29,  · Moderator. Replied on July 30, Dear Steve Parton, Thanks for choosing Microsoft ommunity. Based on your desription, I know your requirement. To better help you, I did a test for you. Thrugh the test results, it seems that we cannot do this i Teams now. So sorry to bring you inconvenience. I know sometimes it is really inconvenience for us.


Microsoft Teams on VDI gets more features for calls and meetings – Microsoft Tech Community


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