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Before the Peace of Constantine AD , in which Rome ceased its persecution of Christians following Constantine’s conversion, Noah was normally shown in an attitude of prayer , a dove flying toward him or alighting on his outstretched hand. According to Graydon Snyder, “The Noah story afforded the early Christian community an opportunity to express piety and peace in a vessel that withstood the threatening environment” of Roman persecution. After the Peace of Constantine, when persecution ceased, Noah appeared less frequently in Christian art.

In the fourth century, St. Jerome ‘s Latin Bible translated the Hebrew ” alay zayit ” in the Noah story as ” ramum olivae “, “olive branch” , possibly reflecting the Christian equivalence between the peace brought by baptism and peace brought by the ending of the Flood. By the fifth century, St Augustine confirmed the Christian adoption of the olive branch as a symbol of peace, writing that, “perpetual peace is indicated by the olive branch Latin: oleae ramusculo that the dove brought with it when it returned to the ark.

Medieval illuminated manuscripts , such as the Holkham Bible, showed the dove returning to Noah with a branch. English Bibles from the 17th-century King James Bible onwards, which translated the story of Noah direct from Hebrew, render the Hebrew ‘ aleh zayit as “olive leaf” rather than “olive branch”, but by this time the association of the dove with an olive branch as a symbol of peace in the story of Noah was firmly established.

The first known example of the symbol is in the masthead of the January issue of De Wapens Neder Down with Weapons , the monthly paper of the International Antimilitarist Union in the Netherlands. The German League for War Victims, founded in , used the broken rifle on a banner. Ernst Friedrich , a German who had refused military service, founded the Anti-Kriegs Museum in Berlin, which featured a bas-relief broken rifle over the door. The Museum distributed broken-rifle badges, girls’ and women’s brooches, boys’ belt buckles, and men’s tie pins.

In , during a period in which there was widespread fear of war in Europe, the Women’s Co-operative Guild began the practice of distributing white poppies [48] as an alternative to the red poppies distributed by the Royal British Legion in commemoration of servicemen who died in the First World War. In , the PPU revived the symbol as a way of remembering the victims of war without glorifying militarism. Nicholas Roerich — , a Russian artist, cultural activist, and philosopher, founded a movement to protect cultural artifacts.

Its symbol was a maroon-on-white emblem consisting of three solid circles in a surrounding circle. It has also been used as a peace banner. In a pact initiated by Roerich was signed by the United States and Latin American nations, agreeing that “historic monuments, museums, scientific, artistic, educational and cultural institutions” should be protected both in times of peace and war.

The Banner of Peace symbol has ancient origins. Perhaps its earliest known example appears on Stone Age amulets: three dots, without the enclosing circle. Roerich came across numerous later examples in various parts of the world, and knew that it represented a deep and sophisticated understanding of the triune nature of existence.

But for the purposes of the Banner and the Pact, Roerich described the circle as representing the totality of culture, with the three dots being Art, Science, and Religion, three of the most embracing of human cultural activities. He also described the circle as representing the eternity of time, encompassing the past, present, and future.

The sacred origins of the symbol, as an illustration of the trinities fundamental to all religions, remain central to the meaning of the Pact and the Banner today. The symbol now known internationally as the “peace symbol” or “peace sign”, or alternatively as the nuclear disarmament symbol, or the CND symbol Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament [50] originates as a symbol representing the threat of nuclear annihilation used in British anti-nuclear activism from It was widely adopted in the American anti-war movement in the s and was re-interpreted as generically representing world peace.

It was still used, however, in its original anti-nuclear context by activists opposing nuclear power , in the s. The symbol was designed by Gerald Holtom — for the British nuclear disarmament movement.

Holtom, an artist and designer, presented it to the Direct Action Committee on 21 February where it was “immediately accepted” as a symbol for a march from Trafalgar Square , London, to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire on 4 April. The symbol is a super-imposition of the flag semaphore for the characters “N” and “D”, taken to stand for “nuclear disarmament”.

I was in despair. Deep despair. I drew myself: the representative of an individual in despair, with hands palm outstretched outwards and downwards in the manner of Goya’s peasant before the firing squad.

I formalised the drawing into a line and put a circle round it. Ken Kolsbun, a correspondent of Holtom’s, says that the designer came to regret the symbolism of despair, as he felt that peace was something to be celebrated and wanted the symbol to be inverted. The symbol became the badge of CND, and wearing it became a sign of support for the campaign urging British unilateral nuclear disarmament.

An account of CND’s early history described the image as “a visual adhesive to bind the [Aldermaston] March and later the whole Campaign together Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament badge s. Not copyrighted, trademarked or restricted, the symbol spread beyond CND and was adopted by the wider disarmament and anti-war movements. It became widely known in the United States in when Albert Bigelow , a pacifist protester, sailed a small boat fitted with the CND banner into the vicinity of a nuclear test.

Between and , they sold thousands of the buttons on college campuses. By , the symbol had been adopted as a generic peace sign, [62] associated especially with the hippie movement and opposition to the Vietnam War. Commissioner of Patents William E. Schuyler Jr, said that the symbol “could not properly function as a trade mark subject to registration by the Patent Office”.

In , the South African government tried to ban its use by opponents of apartheid. Gerald Holtom had originally considered using a Christian cross symbol within a circle, but he was dissuaded by several priests who expressed reservations towards using the cross on a protest march. In , the anti-Communist evangelist Billy James Hargis described the symbol as a “broken cross”, which he claimed represented the antichrist.

Hargis’ interpretation was taken up by a member of the John Birch Society , Marjorie Jensen, who wrote a pamphlet claiming the symbol was equivalent to “a symbol of the devil, with the cross reversed and broken” supposedly known as “the crow’s foot or witch’s foot”. In June , American Opinion , the journal of the John Birch Society, published an article which compared the symbol to a supposed “broken cross” claimed to have been “carried by the Moors when they invaded Spain in the 8th century”.

The newsletter of the National Republican Congressional Committee of 28 September on its question page made the comparison to a design of a “death rune” in a wreath published by the German Nazi party as representing heroic death, in The international peace flag in the colours of the rainbow was first used in Italy on a peace march from Perugia to Assisi organized by the pacifist and social philosopher Aldo Capitini — Inspired by the peace flags used on British peace marches, Capitini got some women of Perugia hurriedly to sew together coloured strips of material.

The flag commonly has seven rainbow -colored stripes with the word PACE Italian for “peace” in the center. It has been explained as follows:. In the account of the Great Flood, God set the rainbow to a seal the alliance with man and nature, promising that there will never be another Flood. The rainbow thus became a symbol of Peace across the earth and the sky, and, by extension, among all men. The flag usually has the colours violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red from top to bottom, but some have the violet stripe below the blue one as in the picture at the right or a white one at the top.

In , renewed display of the flag was widespread with the Pace da tutti i balconi “Peace from every balcony” campaign, a protest against the impending war in Iraq planned by the United States and its allies. In , the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported leading advertising executives saying that the peace flag had become more popular than the Italian national flag.

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. One of the first coins to be minted was the croeseid.

It depicted the Lydian Lion and Hellenic Bull, representing the peaceful alliance between Croesus and the dynasty of Agamemnon enthroned in Cyme. This alliance had been sealed through two royal marriages, Hermodike I c. Alyattes was Croesus’ father and Hermodike II was likely his mother. When he came to power, Croesus minted the first coin depicting two animals. The roaring lion — symbol of Lydia — and the bull — symbol of Hellenic Zeus [78] from the Seduction of Europa [79] — are facing each other in truce; Note that hunting lions attack from the rear, not face-to the horns.

The imagery of a predator and prey lying down together in peace is reflected in other ancient literature, e. The croeseid symbolism of peace between the Greeks of Asia Minor, Lydians and later Persians under Cyrus the Great persisted long after Croesus’ death — until Darius the Great introduced new coins c. The union of Phrygia and Lydia with Aeolian Greeks resulted in regional peace, which facilitated the transfer of ground-breaking technological skills into Ancient Greece; respectively, the phonetic written script [ dubious — discuss ] and the minting of coinage to use a token currency, where the value is guaranteed by the state.

It had been used to represent victory during the Second World War. The crane , a traditional symbol of luck in Japan, was popularized as a peace symbol by the story of Sadako Sasaki — , a girl who died as a result of the atomic bomb exploding over Hiroshima in According to the story, popularized through the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes , [83] in the last stages of her illness she started folding paper cranes, inspired by the Japanese saying that one who folded a thousand origami cranes was granted a wish.

This made an impression in people’s minds. As a result, she is remembered on every 6 August, which is an annual peace day for people all over Japan.

Cast on 24 November , it was an official gift of the Japanese people to the United Nations on 8 June The symbolic bell of peace was donated by Japan to the United Nations at a time when Japan had not yet been officially admitted to the United Nations.

The symbol has come to represent peace in the Middle East and an end to the Arab—Israeli conflict. Wall plaques, signs, T-shirts, and buttons are sold with only those words. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Symbol to promote peace. For other uses, see Peace Sign disambiguation. Main article: White poppy symbol. Main article: Banner of Peace.

Peace symbol. Main article: Peace flag. Main article: V sign. Further information: Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Main article: Japanese Peace Bell. Main articles: Shalom and S-L-M. Archived from the original on 24 July Archived from the original on 7 November Retrieved 30 September Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Retrieved 8 May Archived from the original on 22 February Retrieved 21 February Coins of Roman Egypt.

Archived from the original on 13 March Great Seal. Archived from the original on 13 January ISBN Archived from the original on 19 June Archived from the original on 15 February On June 6, , the Associated Press and NBC News reported that Clinton had become the presumptive nominee after reaching the required number of delegates, including pledged delegates and superdelegates , to secure the nomination, becoming the first woman to ever clinch the presidential nomination of a major U.

Clinton also won the final primary in the District of Columbia on June Although Sanders had not formally dropped out of the race, he announced on June 16, , that his main goal in the coming months would be to work with Clinton to defeat Trump in the general election. The following candidates were frequently interviewed by major broadcast networks and cable news channels or were listed in publicly published national polls. Lessig was invited to one forum, but withdrew when rules were changed which prevented him from participating in officially sanctioned debates.

In April , the Clinton campaign began to compile a list of 15 to 20 individuals to vet for the position of running mate, even though Sanders continued to challenge Clinton in the Democratic primaries. Third party and independent candidates who have obtained more than , votes nationally or on Ballot in at least 15 states are listed separately. Ballot access to electoral votes with write-in : [] map.

Ballot access to electoral votes with write-in : [] [] map. Ballot access to 84 electoral votes with write-in : [] map. In some states, Evan McMullin’s running mate was listed as Nathan Johnson on the ballot rather than Mindy Finn, although Nathan Johnson was intended to only be a placeholder until an actual running mate was chosen.

Peace and Freedom [] Liberty Union Party []. Hillary Clinton focused her candidacy on several themes, including raising middle class incomes, expanding women’s rights, instituting campaign finance reform, and improving the Affordable Care Act. In March , she laid out a detailed economic plan basing her economic philosophy on inclusive capitalism , which proposed a “clawback” that rescinds tax cuts and other benefits for companies that move jobs overseas; with provision of incentives for companies that share profits with employees, communities and the environment, rather than focusing on short-term profits to increase stock value and rewarding shareholders; as well as increasing collective bargaining rights; and placing an “exit tax” on companies that move their headquarters out of the U.

Donald Trump’s campaign drew heavily on his personal image, enhanced by his previous media exposure. The red baseball cap with the slogan emblazoned on the front became a symbol of the campaign and has been frequently donned by Trump and his supporters. Moreover, he has insisted that Washington is “broken” and can be fixed only by an outsider.

Clinton had an uneasy—and, at times, adversarial—relationship with the press throughout her life in public service. In contrast, Trump benefited from free media more than any other candidate. Both Clinton and Trump were seen unfavorably by the general public, and their controversial reputations set the tone of the campaign.

Clinton’s practice during her time as Secretary of State of using a private email address and server , in lieu of State Department servers, gained widespread public attention back in March Also, on September 9, , Clinton said: “You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.

They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. The episode drew renewed public attention to questions about Clinton’s health. On the other side, on October 7, , video and accompanying audio were released by The Washington Post in which Trump referred obscenely to women in a conversation with Billy Bush while they were preparing to film an episode of Access Hollywood.

In the recording, Trump described his attempts to initiate a sexual relationship with a married woman and added that women would allow male celebrities to grope their genitalia Trump used the phrase “grab ’em by the pussy”. The audio was met with a reaction of disbelief and disgust from the media. By October 8, several dozen Republicans had called for Trump to withdraw from the campaign and let Pence and Condoleezza Rice head the ticket. Donald Trump also delivered strong and controversial statements towards Muslims and Islam on the campaign trail, saying, “I think Islam hates us.

Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. However, many of his supporters shared their support for his proposed travel ban , despite the backlash. Throughout the campaign, Trump indicated in interviews, speeches, and Twitter posts that he would refuse to recognize the outcome of the election if he was defeated. The ongoing controversy of the election made third parties attract voters’ attention.

Johnson responded, “And what is Aleppo? On the other hand, Green Party candidate Jill Stein said the Democratic and Republican parties are “two corporate parties” that have converged into one. Putting another Clinton in the White House will fan the flames of this right-wing extremism. In response to Johnson’s growing poll numbers, the Clinton campaign and Democratic allies increased their criticism of Johnson in September , warning that “a vote for a third party is a vote for Donald Trump” and deploying Senator Bernie Sanders Clinton’s former primary rival, who supported her in the general election to win over voters who might be considering voting for Johnson or for Stein.

The following table is an overview of the money used in the campaign as it is reported to Federal Election Commission FEC and released in September As of September [update] , ten candidates with ballot access have filed financial reports with the FEC. The presidential election was the first in 50 years without all the protections of the original Voting Rights Act. The Atlantic , which has been in circulation since , gave Clinton its third-ever endorsement after Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson.

Trump, who frequently criticized the mainstream media , was not endorsed by the vast majority of newspapers. Gary Johnson received endorsements from several major daily newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune , [] and the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation agreed. Clapper in early January testified before a Senate committee that Russia’s meddling in the presidential campaign went beyond hacking, and included disinformation and the dissemination of fake news , often promoted on social media.

President-elect Trump originally called the report fabricated. Several U. A formal Special Counsel investigation headed by former FBI director Robert Mueller was initiated in May to uncover the detailed interference operations by Russia, and to determine whether any people associated with the Trump campaign were complicit in the Russian efforts.

On March 24, , Barr submitted a letter describing Mueller’s conclusions, [] [] and on April 18, , a redacted version of the Mueller Report was released to the public. It concluded that Russian interference in the presidential election did occur “in sweeping and systematic fashion” and “violated U.

The first method detailed in the final report was the usage of the Internet Research Agency , waging “a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J.

Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The Mueller Report writes that the investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign”, found that Russia “perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency” and that the Trump presidential campaign “expected it would benefit electorally” from Russian hacking efforts.

Ultimately, “the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. However, investigators had an incomplete picture of what had really occurred during the campaign, due to some associates of Trump campaign providing either false, incomplete or declined testimony, as well as having deleted, unsaved or encrypted communications.

As such, the Mueller Report “cannot rule out the possibility” that information then unavailable to investigators would have presented different findings. In December , a Ukrainian court ruled that prosecutors in Ukraine had meddled in the election by releasing damaging information on Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Voice of America reported in April that “U. However, according to the HuffPost , the Biden administration was seen continuing diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates and that the United Arab Emirates “has fared better under President Joe Biden than might have been expected” considering Biden’s emphasis and criticism of poor human rights records and governments that meddle in US politics.

The Commission on Presidential Debates CPD , a non-profit organization, hosted debates between qualifying presidential and vice-presidential candidates. According to the commission’s website, to be eligible to opt to participate in the anticipated debates, “in addition to being Constitutionally eligible, candidates must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to have a mathematical chance of winning a majority vote in the Electoral College, and have a level of support of at least 15 percent of the national electorate as determined by five selected national public opinion polling organizations, using the average of those organizations’ most recently publicly-reported results at the time of the determination.

Louis , University of Nevada, Las Vegas chosen to host the presidential debates, and the one location Longwood University selected to host the vice presidential debate, were announced on September 23, The site of the first debate was originally designated as Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio ; however, due to rising costs and security concerns, the debate was moved to Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. On August 19, Kellyanne Conway , Trump’s campaign manager confirmed that Trump would participate in a series of three debates.

The news media and election experts were surprised at Trump’s winning the Electoral College. On the eve of the vote, spread betting firm Spreadex had Clinton at an Electoral College spread of — against Trump’s — Even Wisconsin , Pennsylvania , and Michigan , states that had been predicted to vote Democratic, were won by Trump.

Math, calculations, candidate dislike causing voter abstention begat the numbers. Obama’s political director David Simas called Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook to persuade Clinton to concede the election, with no success. Obama then called Clinton directly, citing the importance of continuity of government, to ask her to publicly acknowledge that Trump had won.

After networks called Pennsylvania for Trump, putting him with electoral votes while he had a five-point lead in Arizona, which gives eleven electoral votes that would put Trump above the majority of , Clinton realized she had no chance to win the election and called Trump early Wednesday morning to concede defeat. On Wednesday morning at a. Eastern Time ET , it was reported that Trump had secured Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes, giving him a majority of the electors in the Electoral College , enough to make him the president-elect of the United States , [] and at a.

Trump gave his victory speech. Later that day, Clinton asked her supporters to accept the result and hoped that Trump would be “a successful president for all Americans.

Six states plus a portion of Maine that Obama won in switched to Trump Electoral College votes in parentheses : Florida 29 , Pennsylvania 20 , Ohio 18 , Michigan 16 , Wisconsin 10 , Iowa 6 , and Maine’s second congressional district 1. Initially, Trump won exactly more Electoral College votes than Mitt Romney had in , with two lost to faithless electors in the final tally. Thirty-nine states swung more Republican compared to the previous presidential election, while eleven states and the District of Columbia swung more Democratic.

Examining overall turnout in the election , University of Florida Prof. Michael McDonald estimated that Considering a VAP of A FEC report of the election recorded an official total of Data scientist Hamdan Azhar noted the paradoxes of the outcome, saying that “chief among them [was] the discrepancy between the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton won by 2. Hamdan also said Trump was “the highest vote earner of any Republican candidate ever,” exceeding George W.

Bush ‘s He concluded, with help from The Cook Political Report , that the election hinged not on Clinton’s large 2. This is the first and only election since in which the Republican nominee won the states Michigan and Pennsylvania, and the first since in which they won Wisconsin. It was the first time since that the Republican won Maine’s second congressional district and the first time since George W. Bush’s victory in New Hampshire in that they won any electoral votes in the Northeast.

The election marked the eighth consecutive presidential election where the victorious major party nominee did not receive a popular vote majority by a double-digit margin over the losing major party nominee s , with the sequence of presidential elections from through surpassing the sequence from through to become the longest sequence of such presidential elections in U. The table below displays the official vote tallies by each state’s Electoral College voting method.

The source for the results of all states is the official Federal Election Commission report. A total of 29 third party and independent presidential candidates appeared on the ballot in at least one state.

Wisconsin went Republican for the first time since , while Pennsylvania and Michigan went Republican for the first time since The Clinton campaign pledged to participate in the Green Party recount efforts, while Trump backers challenged them in court. Note that two states Maine [a] and Nebraska allow for their electoral votes to be split between candidates by congressional districts. The winner within each congressional district gets one electoral vote for the district.

The winner of the statewide vote gets two additional electoral votes. Most media outlets announced the beginning of the presidential race about twenty months prior to Election Day. Soon after the first contestants declared their candidacy, Larry Sabato listed Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida, Nevada, and Ohio as the seven states most likely to be contested in the general election.

After Donald Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination, many pundits felt that the major campaign locations might be different from what had originally been expected. Rust Belt states such as Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , and even Michigan were thought to be in play with Trump as the nominee, while states with large minority populations, such as Colorado and Virginia , were expected to shift towards Clinton.

Trump’s courting of the Polish-American vote , a sizable number of whom were Reagan Democrats , has been cited as the cause for the loss of the Rust Belt by the Democratic nominee. Early polling indicated a closer-than-usual race in former Democratic strongholds such as Washington , Delaware , New Jersey , Connecticut , Maine for the two statewide electoral votes , and New Mexico.

A consensus among political pundits developed throughout the primary election season regarding swing states. Trump’s primary campaign was propelled by victories in Democratic states, and his supporters often did not identify as Republican. Media reports indicated that both candidates planned to concentrate on Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and North Carolina.

These generally rate the race by the likelihood for each party to win a state. As the parameters of the race established themselves, analysts converged on a narrower list of contested states, which were relatively similar to those of recent elections. Additionally, a district from each of Maine and Nebraska were considered to be coin flips.

Hillary Clinton won states like New Mexico by less than 10 percentage points. States won by Obama in the , such as Ohio 18 , Iowa 6 , and Maine’s second district 1 , were also won by Trump.

The close result in Maine was not expected by most commentators, nor were Trump’s victory of over 10 points in the second district and their disparities. Red denotes states or congressional districts won by Republican Donald Trump; blue denotes those won by Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Counties with highest percentage of Republican vote: []. Results by vote distribution among states. The size of each state’s pie chart is proportional to its number of electoral votes. Results by county. Red denotes counties that went to Trump; blue denotes counties that went to Clinton.

A discontinuous cartogram of the United States presidential election. A continuous cartogram of the United States presidential election. A discretized cartogram of the United States presidential election using squares.

A discretized cartogram of the United States presidential election using hexagons. Results of election by congressional district, shaded by winning candidate’s percentage of the vote. The voter survey is based on exit polls completed by 24, voters leaving voting places throughout the United States on Election Day , in addition to 4, telephone interviews with early and absentee voters. The election also represented the first time that Republicans performed better among lower-income whites than among affluent white voters.

Trump narrowed Clinton’s margin compared to Obama by seven points among blacks and African-Americans , eight points among Latinos , and 11 points among Asian-Americans. Meanwhile, Trump increased his lead with non-Hispanic white voters through one percent over Mitt Romney ‘s performance, and American Indians , Alaska Natives , and Pacific Islanders shifted their support towards the Republican candidate using the same relative amount.

However, “more convincing data” [] from the polling firm Latino Decisions indicates that Clinton received a higher share of the Hispanic vote, and Trump a lower share, than the Edison exit polls showed.

The issue of islamophobia was demonstrated to be an important political issue for Muslim voters; an ISPU study done in found that, ” Over 28 million people watched the election on cable television , with While more highly-viewed than Total television viewers to p. EST []. Various methods were used to forecast the outcome of the election.

These models mostly showed a Democratic advantage since the nominees were confirmed, and were supported by pundits and statisticians, including Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight, Nate Cohn at The New York Times , and Larry Sabato from the Crystal Ball newsletter, who predicted a Democratic victory in competitive presidential races and projected consistent leads in several battleground states around the country. However, FiveThirtyEight’s model pointed to the possibility of an Electoral College-popular vote split widening in the final weeks based on Trump’s improvement in swing states like Florida or Pennsylvania.

This was due to the demographics targeted by Trump’s campaign which lived in big numbers there, in addition to Clinton’s poor performance in several of those swing states in comparison with Obama’s performance in , as well as having a big number of her potential voters in very populated traditionally ‘blue’ states, but also in some very populated states traditionally ‘red’, like Texas, which were projected safe for Trump.

Early exit polls generally favored Clinton. Three states Pennsylvania , Wisconsin and Michigan which were considered to be part of Clinton’s firewall , were won by Trump. This result stands in contrast to that of , when President Barack Obama won all but Indiana , which he carried in This table displays the final polling average published by Real Clear Politics on November 7, the actual electoral margin, and the over-performance by either candidate relative to the polls.

Many pollsters were puzzled by the failure of mainstream forecasting models to predict the outcome of the election. I don’t believe them anymore. The lone exception was Maine’s 2nd congressional district. Trump’s victory, considered unlikely by most forecasts, [] [] [] [] [] was characterized as an “upset” and as “shocking” by the media.

Following the announcement of Trump’s election, large protests broke out across the United States with some continuing for several days.

Protesters have held up a number of different signs and chanted various shouts including “Not my president” and “We don’t accept the president-elect. High school and college students walked out of classes to protest.

Rioters also broke glass at certain locations. After the election, computer scientists, including J. Alex Halderman , the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, urged the Clinton campaign to request an election recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania three swing states where Trump had won narrowly for the purpose of excluding the possibility that the hacking of electronic voting machines had influenced the recorded outcome. Donald Trump and New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu both complained that liberal voters from Massachusetts were illegally bused into New Hampshire for the election, and Scott Brown blamed the same phenomenon for losing his senate race in They found that in every case, field inspectors were able to determine that the voters were from New Hampshire, though they were riding a bus operated by an out-of-state company which has its name and address written on the outside of the bus, presumably the source of the confusion.

On November 23, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein launched a public fundraiser to pay for recounts in Wisconsin , Michigan , and Pennsylvania , asserting that the election’s outcome had been affected by hacking in those states; Stein did not provide evidence for her claims.

Stein filed for a recount in Wisconsin on November 25, [] after which Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias said their campaign would join Stein’s recount efforts in that state and possibly others “in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides.

President-elect Donald Trump issued a statement denouncing Stein’s Wisconsin recount request saying, “The people have spoken and the election is over. District Judge Mark Goldsmith ordered a halt to the recount in Michigan on December 7, dissolving a previous temporary restraining order against the Michigan Board of Elections that allowed the recount to continue, stating in his order: “Plaintiffs have not presented evidence of tampering or mistake.

Instead, they present speculative claims going to the vulnerability of the voting machinery—but not actual injury. District Judge Paul Diamond rejected an appeal by the Green Party and Jill Stein to force a recount in Pennsylvania, stating that suspicion of a hacked Pennsylvania election “borders on the irrational” and that granting the Green Party’s recount bid could “ensure that no Pennsylvania vote counts” given the December 13, , federal deadline to certify the vote for the Electoral College.

The recounts in Wisconsin and Nevada were completed on schedule, resulting in only minor changes to vote tallies. A subsequent state audit found no evidence of voter fraud and concluded that the mistakes, which were “almost entirely” caused by poll-worker mistakes attributed to poor training, did not impair “the ability of Detroit residents to cast a ballot and have their vote counted. Intense lobbying in one case involving claims of harassment and death threats [] and grass-roots campaigns were directed at various GOP electors of the United States Electoral College [] to convince a sufficient number of them 37 to not vote for Trump, thus precluding a Trump presidency.

Williams castigated Democratic electors who had filed a lawsuit in Federal court to have the state law binding them to the popular vote in their case for Hillary Clinton overturned. On December 10, ten electors, in an open letter headed by Christine Pelosi to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper , demanded an intelligence briefing [] [] in light of Russian interference in the election to help Trump win the presidency.

On December 19, several electors voted against their pledged candidates : two against Trump and five against Clinton. A further three electors attempted to vote against Clinton but were replaced or forced to vote again. The th United States Congress officially certified the results on January 6, In the Electoral College vote on December 19, for the first time since , multiple faithless electors voted against their pledged qualified presidential candidate.

Of the faithless votes, Colin Powell and Elizabeth Warren were the only two to receive more than one; Powell received three electoral votes for president and Warren received two for vice president. Sanders is the first Jewish American to receive an electoral vote for president.

LaDuke is the first Green Party member to receive an electoral vote, and Paul is the third member of the Libertarian Party to do so, following the party’s presidential and vice-presidential nominees each getting one vote in It is the first election with faithless electors from more than one political party. The seven people to receive electoral votes for president were the most in a single election since This count was unusual for the many unsuccessful objections raised by Democratic members of the House of Representatives , alleging voter suppression and foreign interference.

Critics alleged racial bias after comparing the different sentences handed down to two white people and one black person who were convicted of attempting to vote illegally in the presidential election. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For related races, see United States elections. Presidential election results map. Numbers indicate electoral votes cast by each state and the District of Columbia. On election night, Trump won electors and Clinton However, because of seven faithless electors five Democratic and two Republican , Trump received just votes to Clinton’s Further information: United States presidential election.

Main article: Republican Party presidential primaries. This article is part of a series about. Business and personal. Presidency timeline Transition Inauguration.

Presidential campaigns. Interactions involving Russia. Business projects in Russia Election interference timeline before July July —election day topics Associates’ links with Russian officials Steele dossier Trump Tower meeting Trump Tower Moscow Classified information disclosure data seizure Special Counsel investigation Crossfire Hurricane charges legal teams Mueller report Barr letter Senate report.

COVID pandemic. Main article: Donald Trump presidential campaign. Main article: Republican Party presidential candidates. Main article: Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection. Main article: Democratic Party presidential primaries. Main article: Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Main article: Democratic Party presidential candidates. Main article: Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection.

Main article: Gary Johnson presidential campaign. Main article: Jill Stein presidential campaign. Main article: Darrell Castle presidential campaign.


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Barack Obama Democratic. Donald Trump Republican. The United States presidential election was the 58th quadrennial presidential electionheld on Tuesday, November 8, The Republican ticket of businessman Donald Trump and Indiana governor Mike Pence defeated the Democratic ticket of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and the United States senator from Virginia Tim Kainein what was considered one of the greatest upsets in American history.

Trump took office as the 45th presidentand Midas gen 2015 free as the 48th vice presidenton January 20, It was the fifth and most recent presidential election in which the mldas candidate lost the popular vote.

Per the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitutionthen-incumbent president Перейти на источник Obama was ineligible to seek a third term. Clinton defeated self-described democratic socialist Senator Bernie Mivas in the Democratic primaryand became the frfe female presidential nominee of a major American political 20155.

Trump emerged as his party’s front-runner amidst a wide field of candidates in the Republican primarydefeating Senator Ted CruzSenator Ничего download citrix receiver windows 10 64 bit Rubioand Ohio Governor John Kasichamong other candidates. Trump’s right-wing populist nationalist campaign, which promised to ” Make America Great Again ” and opposed political correctnessillegal immigrationand many United States free-trade agreements [4] garnered extensive free media coverage due to Trump’s inflammatory geb.

The tone of the general election jidas was widely characterized as divisive and negative. Clinton’s popularity and public image were tarnished by concerns about her ethics and trustworthiness, [14] and a controversy and subsequent FBI investigation regarding her improper use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state, which received more media coverage than жмите сюда other topic during midas gen 2015 free campaign.

On Election Day, Trump over-performed his polls, winning several key swing-states, while losing the popular mias by 2. He additionally flipped OhioFloridaIowaand Maine’s second congressional district. Ultimately, Trump received electoral mivas and Clintonas two faithless electors defected from Trump and five from Clinton. Trump was the нажмите чтобы перейти president with neither prior public service nor military experience.

Trump became the only Republican to earn more than electoral votes since the election and the only Midas gen 2015 free to win a Northeastern state since George W. Bush won New Hampshire in This election also marked the first midae since that the Republican candidate won Maine’s second congressional district.

This was the first time since where a Republican presidential candidate lost a pledged vote via a faithless elector and additionally, this was the first time since that the winning presidential candidate lost an fee vote.

With ballot access to 20115 entire national electorate, Johnson received nearly 4. Independent candidate Evan McMullinwho appeared on the ballot in miads states, received overvotes 0. He won On January 6,the United States Intelligence Перейти на страницу concluded that the Russian government had interfered in the elections [23] [24] in order to “undermine public faith in the U.

The investigation concluded that Russian interference to favor Trump’s candidacy occurred “in sweeping and systematic fashion”, but it “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government.

Article Two mdias the United States Constitution provides that the President and Vice President of the United States mudas be natural-born citizens of gree United States, at least 35 years old, and residents of the United States for a period of at least 14 years. Traditionally, the primary elections are indirect elections where voters cast ballots for a slate of party delegates pledged to a particular candidate.

The party’s delegates then officially nominate a candidate to run on the party’s behalf. The general election in November is also an indirect election, where voters cast ballots for a slate of members of the Electoral College ; these electors in turn directly elect the president and vice president.

President Barack Obamaa Democrat midqs former U. Both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as third parties such as the Green and Libertarian parties, held a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses that took place between February and Junestaggered among the 50 states, the District of Midas gen 2015 freeand U. This nominating process was also an indirect election, where voters cast ballots for a slate of delegates to a political party’s nominating conventionwho in turn elected their midas gen 2015 free presidential nominee.

Speculation about the campaign began almost immediately following the campaign, with New York magazine declaring that the race had begun in an article published on November 8, two days after the election.

With seventeen major candidates ben the mjdas, starting hen Ted Cruz on March 23,this was the largest presidential primary field for any political party in American history, [37] before being overtaken by the Democratic presidential primaries. Despite leading many polls in Iowa, Trump came in second to Cruz, after which Huckabee, Paul, and Santorum withdrew due to poor performances at the ballot box.

Following a sizable victory for Trump in the New Hampshire primaryChristie, Fiorina, and Gilmore abandoned the race. On March 1,the first of four ” Super Tuesday ” primaries, Rubio won his first contest in Minnesota, Cruz won Alaska, Oklahoma, and his home state of Texas, and Trump won the other seven states that voted. Failing to gain traction, Carson suspended his campaign a few days later. Rubio suspended his campaign after losing his home state. Between March 16 and May 3,only three candidates remained in the race: Trump, Cruz, and Kasich.

Cruz won the most delegates in four Western contests and in Wisconsin, keeping a credible path to denying Trump the nomination on the midas gen 2015 free ballot with 1, delegates. Trump then augmented his lead by scoring landslide victories in New York and five Northeastern states in April, followed by a decisive victory in Indiana on May 3,securing all 57 of the state’s delegates.

Without any further chances of forcing a contested conventionboth Cruz [41] and Kasich [42] suspended their campaigns. Trump remained the only active candidate and was declared the presumptive Republican nominee by Midas gen 2015 free National Committee chairman Reince Egn on the evening of May 3, A study found that media coverage of Trump led to increased public support for him during the primaries. Political scientist John M.

Sides argued that Trump’s polling surge was “almost certainly” due to frequent media coverage of ,idas campaign. Sides concluded “Trump is surging in the polls because the news media has consistently focused on him since he announced his candidacy on June Major candidates were determined by the various media based on common consensus.

The following were invited to sanctioned televised debates based on their poll ratings. Trump received 14, total votes in the primary. Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich each won mdias least one primary, with Trump receiving the highest number of votes and Gn Cruz receiving the second highest.

Trump turned his attention towards selecting a running mate after he became the presumptive nominee on May 4, In Julyit was reported that Trump had narrowed his list of possible running mates down to three: Christie, Gingrich, and Pence. On July 14,several major media outlets reported that Trump had selected Pence as his running mate.

Trump confirmed these reports in a message Twitter on July нажмите для продолжения,and formally made midas gen 2015 free announcement the following day in New York. Former mivas of state Hillary Clintonwho also served in the U.

Senate and was the First Lady of the United Statesbecame the first Democrat in the field to formally launch a major candidacy for the presidency with an announcement on April 12,via a video message. On October 20,Webb announced his withdrawal from the primaries, and explored a приведу ссылку Independent run.

On February 1,in an extremely close contest, Clinton won the Midas gen 2015 free caucuses by a margin of 0. After winning no delegates in Iowa, O’Malley withdrew from the presidential race that day. On March 8, despite never having a lead in the Michigan primarySanders won by a small margin of 1. Over the course of May, Sanders midas gen 2015 free another surprise win in the Indiana primary [] and also won in West Virginia midas gen 2015 free Oregonwhile Clinton won the Guam caucus and Kentucky primary and also non-binding primaries in Nebraska and Washington.

On June 6, ffee, the Associated Press and NBC News reported that Clinton had become the presumptive nominee after reaching the required number of delegates, including pledged delegates and superdelegates посетить страницу, to secure the nomination, becoming the first woman to ever clinch the presidential mjdas of a major U. Clinton also won the final primary midas gen 2015 free the District of Columbia on June Although Sanders had not formally dropped out of the race, he announced on June 16,that his main goal in the coming months http://replace.me/22187.txt midas gen 2015 free to work with Clinton to defeat Trump in the general 22015.

The following candidates were frequently interviewed by major broadcast networks and cable news channels or were listed in publicly published national polls. Lessig was invited to one forum, but withdrew adobe pro cs3 download free download rules were changed which prevented midas gen 2015 free from participating in officially sanctioned debates.

In Aprilimdas Clinton campaign began to compile a list of 15 to 20 individuals to vet for the position of running mate, even though Sanders continued to challenge Clinton in the Democratic primaries. Third party and independent candidates who have obtained more thanvotes nationally or on Ballot midas gen 2015 free at least 15 states are listed separately. Ballot access to electoral votes with write-in : [] map.

Ballot access to electoral votes with write-in : [] [] map. Ballot access to 84 electoral votes midas gen 2015 free write-in : [] map. In some states, Evan McMullin’s running mate was listed as Nathan Johnson on the ballot rather than Mindy Finn, although Nathan Johnson was intended to jidas be a placeholder until an actual running mate was chosen. Peace and Freedom [] Liberty Union Party []. Hillary Clinton focused her candidacy on several themes, including raising middle class incomes, expanding women’s rights, instituting campaign finance reform, and improving the Midas gen 2015 free Care Act.

In March mkdas, she gfn out a detailed economic plan basing her economic philosophy on inclusive capitalismwhich proposed a “clawback” that rescinds tax cuts 201 other benefits for companies that move jobs overseas; with provision of incentives for companies that share profits with employees, communities and the environment, rather than focusing on short-term profits to increase stock value and rewarding shareholders; as well as increasing collective bargaining rights; and placing an “exit dree on companies that move their headquarters out of the U.

Donald Trump’s campaign drew heavily on his personal image, enhanced by his previous media exposure. The red baseball frer with the slogan emblazoned on the front became a symbol of the campaign and has been frequently donned by Trump and his supporters. Moreover, he has insisted that Washington is “broken” and can be fixed only by an outsider.

Clinton had an uneasy—and, at times, adversarial—relationship with the press throughout her life in public service. In contrast, Trump mifas from free media more than any other candidate. Both Clinton and Trump midas gen 2015 free seen unfavorably by the general public, and their controversial reputations set the tone of the campaign. Clinton’s practice during her time as Secretary of State of using a private email address and serverin lieu of State Department servers, midas gen 2015 free widespread public attention back in March Also, on September 9,Clinton frwe “You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.

They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. The episode drew renewed public ftee to questions about Clinton’s health.

On the other side, on October 7,video and accompanying mivas were midas gen 2015 free by The Washington Post in which Trump dree obscenely to women in a conversation with Billy Bush while they misas preparing to film an episode of Access Hollywood. In the recording, Trump described his attempts to initiate a sexual relationship with a married woman and added that women would allow male celebrities to grope their genitalia Trump used the phrase “grab ’em by the pussy”.

The audio was met with a reaction of disbelief and disgust from the media. By October 8, several dozen Republicans had called for Trump to withdraw from the campaign and let Pence and Condoleezza Imdas head gem ticket. Donald Trump also delivered strong and controversial statements towards Muslims and Islam on the campaign trail, saying, “I think Islam midas gen 2015 free us.

Trump is calling for a total and cree shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our интересно. microsoft access 2013 trial free прощения midas gen 2015 free can figure out what is going on. However, many of his supporters shared their support for his midass travel mifasdespite the backlash. Midas gen 2015 free the campaign, Trump indicated in interviews, speeches, and Twitter posts that he would refuse to recognize the outcome of the election if he was defeated.

The ongoing controversy of the election made third parties attract voters’ attention. Johnson pc cyberlink full 15 version powerdirector free for, “And what is Aleppo? On the other hand, Green Party candidate Jill Stein said the Democratic and Republican parties are “two corporate parties” that have converged into one.

Putting another Clinton in the White House will fan the midas gen 2015 free of this right-wing extremism.


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