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Naturally, creating your own macro requires some knowledge of the structure and syntax of the VBA language, which is beyond the scope of this tutorial for beginners. But there is nothing that would prevent you from reusing someone else’s code say, the one you’ve found on our blog : and even a complete novice in Excel VBA should have no difficulties with that! And then, insert the code in these two quick steps:. When done, press F5 to run the macro.

Additionally, you can launch a macro by clicking a custom button or pressing the assigned shortcut. For full details, please see How to run macros in Excel.

Because of security reasons, all macros in Excel are disabled by default. So, to use the magic of VBA codes to your advantage, you need to know how to enable them.

The easiest way to turn on macros for a specific workbook is to click the Enable Content button in the yellow security warning bar that appears at the top of the sheet when you first open a workbook with macros. To learn more about macro security, please see How to enable and disable macros in Excel.

Microsoft Excel determines whether to allow or disallow VBA codes to be executed in your workbooks based on the macro setting selected in the Trust Center. In the screenshot below, the default macro setting is selected:. For more information, please see Excel macro settings explained.

Any changes to the code of a macro, whether it’s generated automatically by the Excel macro recorder or written by you, are made in the Visual Basic Editor. To view and edit the code of a specific macro, in the Project Explorer on the left, double-click the module that contains it, or right-click the module and pick View Code.

This open the Code window where you can edit the code. To test and debug a macro, use the F8 key. This will take you through the macro code line-by-line letting you see the effect that each line has on your worksheet. The line currently being executed is highlighted in yellow. To exit debug mode, click the Reset button on the toolbar blue square.

You created a macro in one workbook and now want to reuse it in other files too? There are two ways to copy a macro in Excel:. In case the target macro resides in a separate module or all the macros in the module are useful for you, then it makes sense to copy the whole module from one workbook to another:.

In the screenshot below, we are copying Module1 from Book1 to Book2 :. If the module contains many different macros while you need just one, then copy only the code of that specific macro.

Here’s how:. A benefit of using the VBA Editor is that it enables you to delete an entire module with all the macros it contains in one go. To remove a specific macro , simply delete its source code directly in the Code window. If you’d like to share your VBA codes with someone or move them to another computer, the fastest way is to export the entire module as a. One of the best ways to learn Excel VBA is by exploring code samples. Below you will find examples of very simple VBA codes that automate some basic operations.

Of course, these examples won’t teach you coding, for this there exist hundreds of professional-grade VBA tutorials. We just aim to illustrate a few common features of VBA that will hopefully make its philosophy a little more familiar to you. In this example, we use the ActiveWorkbook object to return the currently active workbook and the For Each loop to go through all the sheets in the workbook one-by-one. For each found sheet, we set the Visible property to xlSheetVisible.

To manipulate the currently active sheet, use the ActiveSheet object. This sample macro changes the Visible property of the active sheet to xlSheetHidden to hide it. To make the sheet very hidden, set the Visible property to xlSheetVeryHidden.

If you want to perform certain operations on a range rather than the entire worksheet, use the Selection object. For example, the below code will unmerge all the merged cells in a selected range at one fell swoop. To show some message to your users, use the MsgBox function. Here’s an example of such a macro in its simplest form:. In real-life macros, a message box is typically used for information or confirmation purposes.

If the user clicks “Yes”, the selected cells are unmerged. To test the code, select one or more range containing merged cells and run the macro.

The following message will appear:. If you’d like to prevent your macro from being viewed, modified or executed by others, you can protect it with password. When you try to view the code in the Visual Basic editor, the following dialog box will appear. Type the password and click OK. To unlock macros , just open the Project Properties dialog box again and remove a tick from the Lock project for viewing box.

This method protects the code from viewing and editing but does not prevent it from being executed. The writer researches and then submits your paper. The paper is then sent for editing to our qualified editors. After the paper has been approved it is uploaded and made available to you. You are also sent an email notification that your paper has been completed.

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