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Jual microsoft office professional plus 2016 free

Mutakhirkan Office ke Microsoft · Fitur baru eksklusif setiap bulannya. Dapatkan aplikasi Office yang selalu diperbarui, seperti Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Find the right Microsoft Family or Personal plan for all your devices. Includes AI-powered Office apps, 1 TB of cloud storage, and premium mobile.


Jual microsoft office professional plus 2016 free.Office 365 Bagas31


Download was the only source no data disk option – bummer. I was wondering if I still would be able to download the office package I purchased. Was this reply helpful? Yes No.

Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. So it’s not listed under my MS account. Since you are no longer working for the employer that provided the HUP, you are no longer allowed to use that version. The license is tied to the employer. Because your employers have not cut you off, but that does not mean Stefan is wrong. Microsoft clearly states which rules apply when an employee leaves the company that provided the HUP:. Stefan, Just to add you are correct things have changed with the introduction of subscription versions of Office, i.

Office What holds is that unless Office is a subscription version of Office then once the employee leaves the company they no longer have the right to use Officer provided under HUP. The rules were very clear but because Microsoft has moved on so have the rules which no longer deal with older versions of HUP.

I have always believed myself to be an employee of my previous company, a bank, as they pay my pension and I am described as an employee on my income tax return. Note: If you do not work at a company that is eligible for the Home Use Program, then you are no longer eligible to access activation and installation information related to your purchases made on www. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member.

This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse.

Details required :. Cancel Submit. Eberwurz Independent Advisor. Hello jf4evr, thank you for providing this question. I am a seasoned Windows expert with almost a decade in usage and support experience and hope to resolve your problems quickly. Yes you can still download it. If you consider your problem solved it would be very good if you marked the answer which helped you so others can find and use this thread.

If this didn’t solve your problem or you need further assistance please answer in this thread and i would be happy to help. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Eberwurz’s post on August 5, No joy from referenced article. Stefan Blom MVP. In reply to jf4evr’s post on August 5, In reply to Stefan Blom’s post on August 5, Gotta throw the BS flag on that statement. Why is this different?

In reply to jf4evr’s post on August 6, Subscription versions and non-subscription versions of Office may be treated differently. In reply to Stefan Blom’s post on August 6, Ron In reply to RonBarker’s post on August 6, I therefore considered that I was eligible for ‘HUP offers.

Was I wrong.? In reply to Ron ‘s post on August 6, Ron, If you still work for the company use your work email address HERE Note: If you do not work at a company that is eligible for the Home Use Program, then you are no longer eligible to access activation and installation information related to your purchases made on www. This site in other languages x.


Internet Archive Search: subject:”microsoft office “

Microsoft acts as a controller for data. Number of users. Kapan langganan saya dimulai? Microsoft Intune.

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