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Download Frogger 2: Swampy’s Revenge (Windows) – My Abandonware

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Feogger player has to clear deadly trap- and enemy-filled obstacle courses while collecting little frogs. Unlike Frogger 2’s predecessor, levels are more streamlined and linear, resulting in frogger 2 game download for pc more traditional arcade platforming experience. The world of Frogger is bright and colorful and filled with all sorts of weird pastel things that will kill you.

The biggest problem I have with Frogger is that even though it looks shiny and new by the standards ofanyway fpr, the mechanics feel frustratingly old and clunky.

While environments and enemies are all 3D rendered with fluid animations, Frogger’s gameplay is entirely tile-based—this makes it difficult to frogger 2 game download for pc downnload on moves and jumps because Frogger and his enemies have hit-boxes frogger 2 game download for pc take up the entire tile. Frogger 2 offers several play modes, including challenges time-attacksmultiplayer, and story mode.

Most folks picking this up will likely be going for Story Mode. Annoyingly, Story Mode may only be continued after being dropped back to the main menu and reloading the mode with the last level selected. And with how tough Frogger 2 is, you may be needing to continue a lot. If you’re a die-hard Frogger fan or morbidly curious about this rebooted franchise that you may have missed out on, Frogger 2 may be worth checking out. Otherwise, skip. Pv the frustrating degree of play precision required along with the lack of reward, it’s not great for casual play.

Mauser 1 point. Azrael 0 point. Rogue Storm 0 point. FrankyN 0 point. Glad to have the good old Frogger back. I am still looking for the classici. T 0 point. Skazoroski 2 points. Game is playable for me but music and cutscenes do not play at all. Anyone know how to fix that? JUSTalive 2 points. Ahmed magdy 1 point. HenloBirB -5 points. How do you get this to run? ExtraTall 2 points. Can’t believe I found this game again. Me and my kids loved this game. There was something about it that you just wanted gake keep playing it.

Thanks for sharing the memory. Dudeok -5 points. McDudeMan 0 point. Have this on PS1. Played fdogger quite a lot when I was younger. Fun and colorful and enjoyable. Avesome 3 points. Orni -3 points. I looooved this frogger 2 game download for pc We used to play the dvd version on our home computer all eownload time, thanks for bringing it back! Lunala 11 points. I installed the game but all I hear is the sound effects and the music file is not included when Frogger 2 game download for pc unpacked the files.

What can I do to get the music files? This is memory central!! I loved Frogger so much. That was before the time of the smart увидеть больше when all mom and dad had were landlines and flip-phones.

Who remembers the landlines?? So much fun answering it and giving the tella-marketers downkoad hard time lol. Witcher 1 point. Priya -2 points. Swampy dwnload 4 pd.

This is the game I have been looking since ages!!! Than you for making it available. Jazz 4 points. I played it when I was a small kidfinding frogger 2 game download for pc old games I played earlier. Got this back. Loved this game. Clapped 0 point. The old game tor 2 points. Ss 0 point. MAK -2 points. AenimaNerd 2 points.

While this gxme my favorite game of all time, your rip is pretty terrible. While it has the gameplay intact, and the files for the FMVs and music, they frlgger not playing in the game!

Some of my favorite aspects of this nostalgic treat are nowhere here! Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game нажмите сюда comment anything you’d like. If downloqd have trouble to run Frogger 2: Swampy’s Revenge Windowsread the abandonware guide first!

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different gake are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible.

If you have additional files to смотрите подробнее or have the game in another language, please contact us! MyAbandonware More frogger 2 game download for pc old games to download for free!

Browse By Download 49 MB. Review By P. Captures frogger 2 game download for pc Snapshots Windows. See older comments Write a comment Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you’d like. Send comment. Download Frogger 2: Swampy’s Revenge We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.

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Frogger 2: Swampy’s Revenge Download Full Version PC Game –

FrankyN 0 point. Sold by. Played this quite a lot when I was younger. One person found this helpful. You can also jump up and forward at the same time. The first title in the console series sold well and maybe I’m not the target audience, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it. The world of Frogger is bright and colorful and filled with all sorts of weird pastel things that will kill you.


Frogger 2 game download for pc


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Search the Wayback Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. Sign up for free Log in. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Publication date Topics Frogger 2: Swampy’s Revenge. The game is part of the Frogger series, and the sequel to the remake of Frogger, featuring similar 4-way movement gameplay in a 3D world and 6 different environments. Unlike its predecessor, Frogger 2 features a choice of different froggee to play with in the game, several multiplayer modes, and an in-game storyline.

A Nintendo 64 port of the game was planned, but was later cancelled. There are no reviews yet. Be vownload first one to write a review.

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