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Esmertec JBed is the one on my WinMo phone. Wondering how many other JVM vendors are in this zone. Are there any comparison or benchmarking data available? They have a Symbian runtime that allows you to run COmpact Framework apps, so you could have a CF codebase that works on both. I evaluated the early betas of Red Five’s offering, but haven’t used it since, so I can’t attest to the quality or coverage.

My personal preference would be to have native solution on both. And the management does not prefer that for some reason ;. Even when running a little late on this question and just for completenes sake: JBlend micro is the Java environment for Windows Mobile 6.

This is not really an answer, but wouldn’t it make more sense to target your software at the. NET framework compact edition if you’re developing for WinMo? People who code: we want your input. Take the Survey. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 12 years, 8 months ago.



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Download jvm for windows mobile 6.1 free

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