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Docker for windows 10 home. Install Docker Desktop on Windows

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And Hypervisor support is enabled under Programs and Features.


Install Docker on Windows 10 Home and run it natively | Padok – Recent Posts


Get started. Search Submit your search query. Forum Donate. Mihail Gaberov. Read on below to find out how. Reasoning First, let’s do a short summary of the situation. Actions After defining what we want, let’s see how to achieve it. Then use Windows PowerShall and Chocolatey , your Windows package manager, to install a docker-machine by running the following: choco install docker-machine Open your favorite bash terminal app and run this: docker-machine create –driver virtualbox default This will create a docker virtual machine called ‘default’.

Step 2: Configurations Next, we need to configure which ports are exposed when running Docker containers. Start the virtual machine by running the following command in your terminal app: docker-machine start default Step 3: Setting up Environment Variables Next, we need to set up Docker environment variables: docker-machine env default This allows the Docker client and Docker Compose to communicate with the Docker Engine running in the Linux VM that we named “default”.

You may do it by running the following commands in PowerShall: choco install docker-cli choco install docker-compose These will install everything you need to start using Docker on your Windows 10 Home OS. Conclusion Now that we have all we need, we may spend our time on actual learning, either by following a docker-related tutorial or reading a book. The last one is a bit out of the scope of this article, but we should start from somewhere, no?

After defining what we want, let’s see how to achieve it. Here are the steps I followed. It worked for me, which make me want to share it with you. And maybe I can save someone a few days of going back and forth to StackOverflow! After some reading, I found this article. It explains that it is possible to use Docker in Windows 10 Home by leveraging a Linux virtual machine and having Docker containers running on it. Let’s see how it works. It gives you the ability to have multiple virtual machines installed on your physical one.

This way we can have a virtual machine which will be running Linux where our Docker will live. Then use Windows PowerShall and Chocolatey , your Windows package manager, to install a docker-machine by running the following:.

Next, we need to configure which ports are exposed when running Docker containers. Containers and images created with Docker Desktop are shared between all user accounts on machines where it is installed. This is because all Windows accounts use the same VM to build and run containers. Note that it is not possible to share containers and images between user accounts when using the Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend.

It requires enabling nested virtualization on the hypervisor first. Windows Home or Education editions will only allow you to run Linux containers. It typically downloads to your Downloads folder, or you can run it from the recent downloads bar at the bottom of your web browser. When prompted, ensure the Use WSL 2 instead of Hyper-V option on the Configuration page is selected or not depending on your choice of backend.

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How to run Docker on Windows 10 Home edition

Log out and log back in for the changes to take effect. Use docker save -o images. Mihail Gaberov.

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