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Microsoft office 2010 not working windows 10 free. Troubleshoot installing Office


Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the microsoft office 2010 not working windows 10 free features, security updates, and technical support. Consider the following scenario. Mcirosoft you install a Microsoft Office suite or an Office program, the installation process is interrupted.

Additionally, the Setup microsoft office 2010 not working windows 10 free is prevented from rolling back the Office installation. This problem may occur if the Rgstrtn. If this file mivrosoft present when you try to install the same Office suite or the Office program that you previously tried to install, the Setup program detects the file.

Then, the Setup program stops the installation. To work around this problem, delete the Rgstrtn. To do this, follow the steps, as appropriate for the operating system that you are using. If you install another Microsoft program after you receive the error message that is mentioned in the “Symptoms” section, you may experience problems with the program’s Help system if you follow these steps.

If you installed another Microsoft program after you receive the error message that is mentioned in the “Symptoms” section, uninstall the program before you follow these steps. Click Startclick Runtype cmd, and then click OK. There should be a space between each folder-name. After you perform these steps, you can по этому адресу to install the Office suite or the Office program that you tried to install earlier.

Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the “Applies to” section. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Table of contents Exit focus mode.

Table of contents. Warning If you install another Microsoft program after you receive the error message that is mentioned in mlcrosoft “Symptoms” section, you may experience problems with the program’s Help system if you follow these steps. Additional resources In this article.


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