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Microsoft office home and student 2010 installation id free download

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Microsoft Office Free Download – My Software Free
Jan 24, · Step 2: Sign in with your Microsoft account, or create one if you don’t have one. Be sure to remember this account so that you can install or reinstall Office later, without a product key. This article describes creating an MS Account in case you need the info. How to create a new Microsoft account. Nov 06, · I installed office F ice home and student edition from CD ROM. After entering product key, word or excel goes to activation wizzard. Then activation over internet option fails as asks me to activate by phone. That is when the installation ID generated on my PC needs to . Latest version. Aug 6th, Advertisement. Enjoy for free the student and home version of the famous office suite by Microsoft for 60 days. Microsoft Office is the most famous and used office suite for Windows and now you can enjoy the version called Microsoft Office Home and Student for free during a long trial period.