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Cultured code things 3.4 free

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I switched to Things as my task manager late last year, sometime before the holidays. In terms of design and features, everything I like about Things is covered in his original review. In short: I want to be less stressful than last year, and Things is helping with the task management part. That said, as someone who used 2Do and Todoist in the past and heavily automated them for integration with other apps, I was missing some solid automation options from Things.

Cultured Code has offered a basic URL scheme in their iOS app for a few years now, but the supported commands never went beyond the ability to create basic, metadata-free tasks in the app. This is changing today with Things 3. The new Things URL scheme, which has been documented here , lets you create tasks, projects, show specific sections of the app, and search across your entire Things database. This may not sound too impressive on paper, but what sets this feature apart is the level of customization and detail that can be applied to every single parameter of every action.

As a result, Things is now a first-class citizen of the iOS automation scene, and, within the limitations of iOS inter-app communication, its URL scheme unlocks several new possible integrations with apps and workflows.

Furthermore, Cultured Code wants to make it easy for third-party developers to natively support sending data to Things from their apps. More advanced workflows will follow over the next couple of weeks and months exclusively for Club MacStories members in the Workflow Corner section of MacStories Weekly. First and foremost, I highly recommend you read the documentation published by Cultured Code here.

Even better though, Cultured Code has put together a visual Link Builder that lets you type information in fields supported by different commands and see what the resulting URL scheme would look like. I wish more developers would offer something similar. Moving onto the Things app itself, Cultured Code has adopted the same model used by Ulysses and Bear and added new extensions to quickly copy the URL of any view or item in the app. One of the first actions I wanted to build for Things 3.

Default lists benefit from the ability to include their actual name in the id field of the URL scheme. While I recommend using this system based on IDs because Things takes care of generating these URLs for you, you can get rid of the ugly alphanumeric strings and navigate to areas, projects, or tags by their plain name instead.

This method requires a query parameter instead of the id one and the results are fairly self-explanatory. Because I use this tag for both MacStories articles and Club MacStories sections, the tag screen displays tasks belonging to both projects, which is a great way to group similar items associated with different areas of my life.

Tag views opened via Launcher. My current widget setup on the iPad Pro. The more advanced aspect of the show command is the ability to navigate to a view and automatically filter it by a specific tag. Tag filters are a great way to focus on specific types of tasks.

As you can imagine, this option makes for some useful shortcuts to set up in Launcher or elsewhere. By using the filter parameter of the URL command, you can filter any view opened in Things by any tag currently available in the app — which is why I highly recommend setting up a few tags in Things. The ability to turn tags into URL launchers is ideal for my setup. You can also navigate to a specific task with the URL scheme. I like how Cultured Code designed this option: an individual task recalled via the URL scheme is briefly highlighted in yellow and plays a haptic tap on the iPhone.

Thanks to variables and specific parameters of the URL scheme, a new task will be created in a default project in Things, under a specific heading, with a specific tag, using the date I typed in natural language. The task will feature the title of the webpage as name and the original URL as a note. Behind the scenes, the setup is fairly straightforward. The list, heading, and tag parameters are three different Magic Variables generated with Text actions; you can modify these however you want to include your favorite project or tag; you could even create a list of items, then use Choose from List and use the output as a variable.

I went with static Text actions because I always want tasks created from Safari to have the same tag and be in the same list. A screenshot explains this better than anything else:. You can download the workflow here. The second Things workflow I made simplifies the creation of a task containing a note and checklist. As you can see, this workflow also creates a new task in Things in a specific location, with the primary difference being the addition of a checklist in the body of the task.

At a basic level, the premise is the same: this workflow also uses Text actions as Magic Variables to fill parameters for list, tags, notes, and heading. This workflow uses a specified date without time, which you can modify to your own needs. A list in Workflow becomes a checklist in a Things task.

You should use this workflow as a template for checklist-based tasks that you find yourself creating on a regular basis. It could be your packing list before you leave for a trip, a series of steps to follow when you publish a YouTube video, or even a shopping list.

All you need to do is modify the List and various Text actions to reflect your Things setup. Reader pioneered this idea years ago, and it works well in Fiery Feeds too. This is, effectively, a lightweight version of my workflow to save interesting links. From Fiery Feeds to Things with a custom action. In less than a second, Fiery Feeds will launch Things and add a new task for the selected story using the metadata I specified in the custom URL. You can read more about Fiery Feeds 2 in my review from earlier this month.

In addition to a URL scheme for users interested in iOS automation with Things, Cultured Code is allowing third-party developers to integrate their apps with Things at a deeper level. Using a new add-json command, apps can now send items to Things in bulk, enabling users to export entire documents or lists of items as full projects or a collection of tasks in Things. Cultured Code has even released an open-source Swift library for developers that want to integrate their app with Things.

One of the first high-profile apps to rely on this integration is MindNode , the popular mind-mapping app for iOS. In version 5. The important detail to note here is that only nodes previously converted to tasks in MindNode will become tasks in Things; if you, like me, use mind maps to outline thoughts without marking them as tasks, your exported project will be empty.

While I understand the decision to keep this integration free of the complexity of multi-level mind maps, I wish there was a way to export every node to Things, regardless of their type. The first action, called Things Tags, displays a native prompt in Drafts 5 with a list of tags I use in Things. After I pick a tag from the list, Drafts launches Things in a tag-specific view, showing me just tasks that have been assigned that tag.

The second action, Things Add, lets me add a task to Things by typing a title on the first line, a date in natural language on the second line, and a note on the third. Upon running the action, Drafts first brings up a list of tags, then projects, and, using a JavaScript action, packages everything up and sends it to Things. From Drafts 5 to Things. Things will save the task with the correct tag and list I specified in Drafts; even better, thanks to JavaScript , Drafts is able to match tag names with headings, so a task can also be added inside the correct section of a list in Things.

This has quickly become one of my most used Drafts actions. The custom prompt has everything: I can pick projects and multiple tags, add a note, select a due date and time from a native iOS date picker, and choose whether the task should have a deadline or not.

The idea is that I should be able to open Drafts, empty my brain of all the things I have in mind as simple lines of text, then run the action. The super prompt will come up for each line, add the necessary metadata to each task, then launch Things to import a bundle of tasks at once. I plan to write about these Things actions soon after publishing our in-depth review of Drafts 5. You can start reading about it here. Cultured Code has leveraged URL schemes to augment key areas of the app that usually require lots of manual interaction; the ability to automate the creation of projects and checklists should make Things fit better in the workflows of advanced users who want powerful automation wrapped in elegant design.

Things now offers both. For me, Things 3. Things 3. Founded in , Club MacStories has delivered exclusive content every week for over six years. In that time, members have enjoyed nearly weekly and monthly newsletters packed with more of your favorite MacStories writing as well as Club-only podcasts, eBooks, discounts on apps, icons, and services. And, with Club Premier, you get everything we offer at every Club level plus an extended, ad-free version of our podcast AppStories that is delivered early each week in high-bitrate audio.

Federico Viticci. He founded MacStories in April and has been writing about Apple since. Federico is also the co-host of AppStories , a weekly podcast exploring the world of apps, and Dialog , a show where creativity meets technology. Twitter: viticci Instagram: viticci Email: viticci macstories.

This reminds me of when I used to make my own custom UIs in Pythonista. Fun times.


Cultured code things 3.4 free.Things Cloud

To find out which is best, we put several of them to test to come up with our recommendations for your smart home. It’s also powerful and particularly on iOS. You frde then cultured code things 3.4 free узнать больше options with your arrow keys. Tap that and the full URL into the Things task will be copied to your clipboard, already using the show command.


Cultured code things 3.4 free


Get things thimgs The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward tthings goals. Fref can add notes, tag it, schedule it, and break it cose into smaller steps. Use headings to structure your list as you outline your plan. This keeps everything neatly organized, and helps you see the big cultured code things 3.4 free as you set your plans in motion.

Each morning, see what you planned for Today and decide what you want to do. A great example is the Share extension, which allows you to create to-dos with tyings from other apps, such as a link to a cde you want to get back to. You can also enjoy a beautiful dark mode at sunset, connect your calendars, add widgets freee your home screen, create to-dos via Siri, import from Reminders—Things can do it all!

Just raise your wrist to glance at your Today list, mark to-dos complete as you go, and dictate new ones on the fly—all synced instantly with your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Every detail is thoughtfully considered, then polished to perfection. Install the app today and see what you can do! We provide professional support and will be glad to help you!

Keep an all-important list at your fingertips, quickly add new to-dos, and track your progress throughout the day. And many more! Put it next to your Http:// widget and push yourself to close the rings! You can also tap it to hop straight into Today. Everyone needs a task manager—and Things is adaptable enough for anyone. This Apple Design Award winner is crisp and lightweight, featuring a simple but effective interface.

The ever-present Magic Plus button makes it easy to add to-dos from anywhere in the app, and organizing items is as simple as dragging them where you want them. I am in awe of this application. Once upon a time I continuously put off completing tasks, and was crazy forgetful about everything. Now, I simply rely upon Things to remember for me, and to prod me into doing stuff on time. It thinhs a while узнать больше здесь actually form the habit of listing my to-dos in the app, but once I started, it became almost automatic.

Things has also become so beautiful over the codee, especially the new Dark Mode. Free love it, and recommend it to everyone. One thing I would really like to draw attention to is the sync speed between devices — it is SO fast. It’s only now that I’m writing a review something I never do! To think that the team are still adding small quality of cultured code things 3.4 free features every now and then! I’ve held off exploring other ‘ToDo’ apps until I’d tried the culturec apple reminders, which while looking nice doesn’t really advance the functionality much.

Plus it still has those sync issues occassionally. Tried Things 3, it was like a veil had been lifted. It’s feature rich which makes organisation a cultured code things 3.4 free. I travel a feee and its great to make a each trip a project and capture everything I need to do there. The pie chart presentation gives an instant overview of progress. Yes, expensive, but I don’t resent these cultured code things 3.4 free making a living off such quality software with great support.

Plus they provide timely cultured code things 3.4 free. IOS13 version landed today, ready for launch tomorrow. Thanks for your great review, Gary, we считаю, windows 10 keygen crack free download КЛАССНАЯ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it!

By the way, if you use the same to-dos again and again for your travel projects, don’t forget that you can duplicate projects! This coed allow you to set up a template that you can then re-use, saving a lot of time when you prepare for each trip. The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:. The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:. Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age.

Learn More. App Store Preview. Screenshots iPhone Apple Watch. Description Get cultured code things 3.4 free done! Ratings and Reviews. App Privacy. Size Category Productivity. Compatibility iPhone Requires vultured Family Sharing Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled. Siri Get things done within this app using just your voice. You Might Also Like. Actions by Moleskine Studio. OmniFocus 3. Cardhop Cultured code things 3.4 free.


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