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Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler SP1 – bit. Autodesk InfraWorks Autodesk Vehicle Tracking SP1 Autodesk Vehicle Tracking SP2 Autodesk Vehicle Tracking InfraWorks Civil 3D SP1 patch. Civil 3D Update 2. Civil 3D Update 3. Autodesk Civil 3D Autodesk Civil Engineering Data Translator 1. Dynamo for Autodesk Civil 3D Update 1, incl. Dynamo Core 2. Dynamo for Autodesk Civil 3D Update 2 subscr.

Civil 3D – country kit HU – templates, styles, symbols, linetypes – Hungarian standards. Land Desktop SaveAs Disabler. Land Desktop SaveAs Enabler. Land Desktop service pack 1. Land Desktop service pack 2 sw locked. Land Desktop service pack 1 locked. Land Desktop 3 service pack 2. Land Desktop point conversion utility for Civil3D sp1. Land Development Desktop 2 SP1a patch. Fix for ACAD. Autodesk Map 3D CZ plot fix acadres, old – see previous file. PostGIS 2. Autodesk Raster Design service pack 1.

Autodesk Raster Design service pack 1 bit. Raster Design hotfix licensing and Civil 3D update , bit. Autodesk Configurator add-in for Inventor Inventor Mesh Enabler – convert 3D meshes e.

Slicer for Fusion – slicing 3D models for cardboard or paper. Autodesk Alias Service Pack 1, Win, bit. Autodesk Alias Service Pack 1, bit. Autodesk Alias Service Pack 2, bit incl. Autodesk Alias Service Pack 2, Win bit incl. Autodesk Alias Service Pack 1, Win bit. Autodesk Alias Autodesk Alias Design Service Pack 1, bit. If the problem is still there, then it could be a bad installation file or hardware issue.

This would be a good time to get IT involved since it’s a computer hardware issue, not just your profile. However, if the drawing file is running good in the other profile, then go back to your profile and continue on Clean your Temp files — Software can create a lot of temporary files on your system that can bog down your performance, especially AutoCAD software. This simple clean up may fix the issue. If not… Windows Updates? If issue is still there… Autodesk Updates? Verify that the updates are current.

Hi Timothy, I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. Can you please try the new version 6. I don’t understand why, but my CAD file is getting bigger after purged with this plugin.

Before was 6 MB, and after purging is 9 MB. Please help, what’s wrong.. Hi Yulia, I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. This is a must-have tool. Has option to batch purge and other options like downgrading file version as well. I’ll keep using it everytime.

Thank you for this great tool. Dear all. All setups automatic migrated from Acad But now I have a problem with Drawing Purge. But this file absend on leptop. Add on is very helpful. But quick question, on your previous add on, it had the flatten command, which was awesome- removed all the bold text and what not while purging the drawing.

In this add on, it doesn’t work anymore- any chance it can be added back on for ? Dear kaye, thanks for the review. In the new version I removed ‘Empty texts’ and ‘Zero length geometry’ options as these two options sometimes caused the app to fail while purging.

If you are mentioning these options, I will try to add it back in the next version. I just selected folder which had about drawings with varying size the initial size of folder was about 5. I have both AutoCAD and installed on my computer. This work great for the version but not In AutoCAD , both commands are unknown.

Is it still not supporting AutoCAD ? Will this work on LT ? Version don’t save. I am changing version to but current versions returned. Thanks for the review Slava. When attempting to restart the purge, the file originally being saved with be corrupted with a 0kb dummy file that would be marked Read Only. This is extremely dangerous – it seems to happen to random files, including original client CAD drawings that are sensitive and cannot be replaced.

Drawing Purge does not create a failsafe or temporary backup in the event of a failed purge, and it is a pretty big oversight. I would not use a program that has a chance to corrupt the original drawings without warning.

It seems to be a. NET framework problem, and this error also leads to file corruption similar to 1. Hi, I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. Thank you very much for your valuable reply related to this Can you please try to run any of these commands?

Please let me know if the problem still exists. Your app will be a great help to firms that have problems with propagating Orphaned Data. With your permission, I’d like to reference your App in our blog.

Ajilal Vijayan, thank you for your app! It is AutoCAD published. Will you adapted your app for it? And there is one problem with those who have disabled the AutoCAD Infocenter: it is forced to on by your application to display messages about the availability of purges.

Oleg, Thanks for the review. I will update the app to support Please check the Drawing Purge options in Bacth Purge command window. Hi,Thanks for the review. If you like to share this app information on your blog please go ahead, but please don’t share the installation file. This app has saved me a load of frustration.

My Company use Acad14 save in Acad13 and below format, have Acad15 but cant use it because of our clients so I have to use it in MEP where it works well. Saves massive amounts of File Space. I just wish I could stop others in my company from being lazy and copying previous drawings as templates.

Hello Sir , my question is : if i use this file with any drawing , won’t it break my work? Hi, I would like to suggest you to try this app on some test drawings and check whether the app has deleted any things which you required.

Hi Does C3d needs this app? Or it’s the same as the purge nested objects? C3d it is slow and keeps stalling. So to purge the DGN data, you don’t need this app. But the Batch purge command will be helpful if you have multiple files to clean. Dear Ajilal, I am using Autocad Student Version, but the app seems not to be working properly with the “items you cannot purge”.

Previous version cleaned perfectly, but now, blocks remain. I paste and udpate one block, but the block remains as it was in the drawing, not with the new one. Dear Santiago, Thanks for the review. Can you please share a sample drawing to describe this issue.

Dear Santiago, Thanks for sending the sample drawing and thanks for the detailed explanation. I understand this issue and I will try to fix this in the next version. It seems that once you delete the nested block, the app needs to run times to erase all the unused blocks.

I will add a loop in the next version to fix this. Thanks for pointing this out. Dear Santiago,Please try with the latest version [6. Now I have added a loop in the purge program to fix this issue. Hi Ansal, Thanks for the review.

The app should work with not LT. If the commands are showing as unknown command, may be the plug-in is failed to load automatically. Can you please try the steps in the below link to load the app manually? Dear Ajilal Vijayan Thanks for application but it doesn’t work. I m using Autocad not LT , I configure with dwg purge batch.

I selected all items to purge but file size is not decreased. Hi Sinan, Thanks for the review. If the file size is not changed, may be there is nothing to purge in that drawing. Can you run the native AutoCAD purge command and see if there anything to purge? Also if possible please send a sample drawing to ajilalv gmail. Drawing Purge. Win32 and There are 2 commands for this plug-in 1. By clicking ‘Purge’ will start to purge the attached XRefs. Purge the drawings and save them to a different location.

Purge the drawings and add a suffix to the file name e. Purge and save the drawing to another version. Read Help Document.

About This Version Version 8. No change in version number. Publisher Privacy Policy. Screenshots and Videos. Customer Reviews. One of the best purge commands available. Thank you for the good work. Gonzalo Tapia June 02, Dear Mr. Ajilal, Would you please update the version as soon as possible. This tool is very helpful.

Ajilal Vijayan Publisher April 27, Ajilal Vijayan Publisher April 10, Phan Y Manh April 11, Xpzzj Xpzzj April 13, On the right of the screen it list compatibility with thru In the text it lists compatibility with – I have , will it still work?

Thanks for the review Marco. Ajilal Vijayan Publisher March 16, I will try to add this option in the next version. Hi ajilal, Thank you very much It’s a Excellent tool Thanks for the review Jose.

Thanks for the review Jason. Ajilal Vijayan Publisher November 03, Thanks for the review, I will try to add this option in the future release. Your program must be set as the standart.

Very good tool and it reduced so much memory of files To install this need admin rights and not all admin will allow to install this software, is it possible to install at user level rights Thans for the good tool. Ajilal Vijayan Publisher October 19, Thanks for the review, currently the bundle requires admin rights to install. Thanks for the review Mark :. Justin Ralston August 26, Courtesy of Thomas Berg.

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