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How to Uninstall Parallels on Mac [Updated ] MacUpdate – How to Uninstall Parallels Desktop on Mac Manually

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Dec 11,  · 1) uninstall parallels, 2) uninstall windows, 3) reclaim my disk space to use with mac again. I no longer have an active subscription with parallels, if this matters. I would appreciate if someone could link me to a very ” simple ” site that would give me the steps to do the 3 things in very layman terms. Also, I don’t know much. Jan 19,  · This part will tell you the common steps to uninstall Parallels Desktop for Mac. Step 1. First, you should quit the Parallels Desktop software completely. You can click on the Parallels icon on the top toolbar, and then select the last Quit Parallels Desktop option. Here you can also choose to restart your Mac to close the Parallels app. Step 2. May 26,  · Open Finder, go to Applications and right-click on Parallels Desktop for Mac App Store Edition. Select Move to Trash. Alternatively, you can also hold down the app’s icon in Launchpad until all the icons start to jiggle, and then click the app’s delete button (x) .


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