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[KB] Resolve ACT or ECP errors during activation (business users).Resolve ACT or ECP Errors During Activation () by kevinbrown – Issuu

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The available options are described in Scanner setup. Click Save to save changes made to your target selection, including selections made within the folder tree structure. Click Scan to execute the scan using the custom parameters that you have set. Scan as Administrator allows you to execute the scan under the Administrator account. Click this if the current user doesn’t have privileges to access the appropriate files to be scanned. Note that this button is not available if the current user cannot call UAC operations as Administrator.

NOTE: It is normal that some files, such as password protected files or files being exclusively used by the system typically pagefile. The progress bar shows the percentage of already-scanned objects compared to objects still waiting to be scanned.

This value is derived from the total number of objects included in a scan. Tips: Click the magnifier or arrow to show details about the scan that is currently running. You can run another parallel scan by clicking Smart scan or Custom scan Objects — Shows the total number of scanned files, threats found and threats cleaned during a scan.

Target — The name of the currently scanned object and its location. Once the scan has finished, a shutdown confirmation dialog window will open with a 60 second timeout. Click this option again to deactivate the selected action. We recommend that you create a different profile with various scan targets, scan methods and other parameters for each regularly used scan. The Configuration profiles window includes the Selected profile drop-down menu that lists existing scan profiles and the option to create a new one.

To help you create a scan profile to fit your needs, see the ThreatSense engine parameters setup section for a description of each parameter of the scan setup. In the Configuration profiles window, click Add Enter the name of your new profile in the Profile name field and select Smart scan from the Copy settings from profile drop-down menu.

Adjust the remaining parameters to meet your requirements and save your new profile. This scan is dependent upon the Scheduler configuration and tasks. The startup scan options is part of a System startup file check scheduler task. In the last step, the Automatic startup file check window will appear see the following chapter for more details.

For detailed instructions about Scheduler task creation and management, see Creating new tasks. Files are arranged in ascending order according to the following criteria: Only the most frequently used files least files scanned Frequently used files Commonly used files Rarely used files All registered files most files scanned Two specific Scan level groups are also included: Files run before user logon — Contains files from locations that may be accessed without the user being logged in includes almost all startup locations such as services, browser helper objects, winlogon notify, Windows scheduler entries, known dll’s, etc.

Lists of files to be scanned are fixed for each aforementioned group. Scan priority — The level of priority used to determine when a scan will start: Normal — at an average system load Lower — at a low system load Lowest — when the system load is the lowest possible When idle — the task will be performed only when the system is idle 4.

When the computer is in idle state, a silent computer scan is performed on all local drives. See Idle state detection triggers for a full list of conditions that must be met in order to trigger the idle- state scanner. By default, the idle-state scanner will not run when the computer notebook is operating on battery power.

You can override this setting by selecting the check box next to Run even if the computer is on the battery in Advanced setup. The last setting here is ThreatSense engine parameter setup. To ensure that all objects are scanned for threats, we recommend only creating exclusions when it is absolutely necessary.

However, there are situations where you may need to exclude an object, for example large database entries that would slow your computer during a scan or software that conflicts with the scan. To exclude an object from scanning: 1. Click Add Enter the path to an object or select it in the tree structure.

You can use wildcards to cover a group of files. A question mark? Question marks replace the missing unknown characters. Note: A threat within a file will not be detected by the Real-time file system protection module or Computer scan module if a file meets the criteria for exclusion from scanning.

Path — Path to excluded files and folders. Threat — If there is a name of a threat next to an excluded file, it means that the file is only excluded for the given threat, not completely.

If that file becomes infected later with other malware, it will be detected by the antivirus module. This technology is proactive, which means it also provides protection during the early spread of a new threat.

It uses a combination of code analysis, code emulation, generic signatures and virus signatures which work in concert to significantly enhance system security. The scanning engine is capable of controlling several data streams simultaneously, maximizing the efficiency and detection rate.

ThreatSense technology also successfully eliminates rootkits. ThreatSense engine setup options allow you to specify several scan parameters: File types and extensions that are to be scanned, The combination of various detection methods, Levels of cleaning, etc. To enter the setup window, click Setup Different security scenarios may require different configurations.

With this in mind, ThreatSense is individually configurable for the following protection modules: Real-time file system protection, Document protection, Email client protection, Web access protection, Computer scan. ThreatSense parameters are highly optimized for each module, and their modification can significantly influence system operation. For example, changing parameters to always scan runtime packers, or enabling advanced heuristics in the Real-time file system protection module could result in a system slow-down normally, only newly- created files are scanned using these methods.

We recommend that you leave the default ThreatSense parameters unchanged for all modules except Computer scan. Operating memory — Scans for threats that attack the operating memory of the system. Boot sectors — Scans boot sectors for the presence of viruses in the master boot record. Self-extracting archives — Self-extracting archives SFX are archives needing no specialized programs — archives — to decompress themselves.

Runtime packers — After executing, runtime packers unlike standard archive types decompress in memory. The following options are available: Heuristics — A heuristic is an algorithm analyzing the malicious activity of programs. The main advantage is the ability to identify malicious software which did not exist, or was not identified by previous virus signatures databases. The disadvantage is the small probability of false alarms. It provides the ability to detect unknown malware based on its functionality through emulation.

Its latest version introduces a completely new way of code emulation based on binary translation. This new binary translator helps to bypass anti-emulation tricks used by malware writers. In addition to these improvements, DNA-based scanning has been significantly updated to allow for better generic detections and address current malware more accurately.

There are 3 levels of cleaning. An extension defines the type and content of a file. This section of the ThreatSense parameter setup lets you define the types of files to scan. By default, all files are scanned regardless of their extension. Any extension can be added to the list of files excluded from scanning. If Scan all files is deselected, the list changes to show all currently scanned file extensions. To enable the scanning of files without an extension, select Scan extensionless files.

Do not scan extensionless files becomes available when Scan all files is enabled. Excluding files is sometimes necessary if scanning certain file types prevents the program that is using certain extensions from running properly.

For example, it may be advisable to exclude the. Using the Add and Remove buttons, you can allow or prohibit scanning of specific file extensions. Typing an Extension activates the Add button, which adds the new extension to the list. Select an extension in the list and then click Remove to delete that extension from the list. The asterisk substitutes any character string, and the question mark substitutes any symbol. Particular care should be taken when specifying excluded addresses, because the list should only contain trusted and safe addresses.

To scan the default set of extensions only, click Default and click Yes when prompted to confirm. The given antivirus module will then scan only objects smaller than the size specified. This option should only be changed by advanced users who may have specific reasons for excluding larger objects from scanning. Default value: unlimited. Maximum scan time for object sec.

If a user-defined value has been entered here, the antivirus module will stop scanning an object when that time has elapsed, regardless of whether the scan has finished. Archive nesting level — Specifies the maximum depth of archive scanning. Default value: Maximum size of file in archive — This option allows you to specify the maximum file size for files contained in archives when they are extracted that are to be scanned. If scanning of an archive is prematurely terminated for these reasons, the archive check box will remain deselected.

Note: We do not recommend changing the default values; under normal circumstances, there should be no reason to modify them. For example, if an infiltration is found within an archive, the log will list also clean files contained within the archive. Enable Smart optimization — With Smart Optimization enabled, the most optimal settings are used to ensure the most efficient scanning level, while simultaneously maintaining the highest scanning speeds.

The various protection modules scan intelligently, making use of different scanning methods and applying them to specific file types. If the Smart Optimization is disabled, only the user-defined settings in the ThreatSense core of the particular modules are applied when performing a scan. When configuring ThreatSense engine parameters setup for a Computer scan, the following options are also available: Scan alternate data streams ADS — Alternate data streams used by the NTFS file system are file and folder associations which are invisible to ordinary scanning techniques.

Many infiltrations try to avoid detection by disguising themselves as alternate data streams. Run background scans with low priority — Each scanning sequence consumes a certain amount of system resources. If you work with programs that place a high load on system resources, you can activate low priority background scanning and save resources for your applications. Preserve last access timestamp — Select this option to keep the original access time of scanned files instead of updating them for example, for use with data backup systems.

If selected, information scrolls upwards within the display window. Standard behavior As a general example of how infiltrations are handled by ESET Smart Security, infiltrations can be detected using: Real-time file system protection Web access protection Email client protection On-demand computer scan Each uses the standard cleaning level and will attempt to clean the file and move it to Quarantine or terminate the connection. A notification window is displayed in the notification area at the bottom right corner of the screen.

For more information about cleaning levels and behavior, see Cleaning. Usually the options Clean, Delete and No action are available. Selecting No action is not recommended, as this will leave infected files uncleaned.

The exception to this is when you are sure that a file is harmless and has been detected by mistake. Apply cleaning if a file has been attacked by a virus that has attached malicious code to the file. If this is the case, first attempt to clean the infected file in order to restore it to its original state.

If the file consists exclusively of malicious code, it will be deleted. Multiple threats If any infected files were not cleaned during Computer scan or the Cleaning level was set to No Cleaning , an alert window prompting you to select actions for those files is displayed.

Select actions for the files actions are set individually for each file in the list and then click Finish. Deleting files in archives In Default cleaning mode, the entire archive will be deleted only if it contains infected files and no clean files. In other words, archives are not deleted if they also contain harmless clean files. Use caution when performing a Strict cleaning scan, with Strict cleaning enabled an archive will be deleted if it contains at least one infected file regardless of the status of other files in the archive.

If your computer is showing signs of a malware infection, e. Document protection provides a layer of protection in addition to Real-time file system protection, and can be disabled to enhance performance on systems that are not exposed to a high volume of Microsoft Office documents. Integrate into system activates the protection system. This module allows you to scan an inserted media.

This may be useful if the computer administrator wishes to prevent the users from using removable media with unsolicited content. If the Show scan options option is selected, a notification will display which allows you to choose a desired action: Scan now — An on-demand computer scan of the inserted removable media device will be performed.

Scan later — No action will be performed and the New device detected window will be closed. This may be useful if the computer administrator wishes to prevent use of devices with unsolicited content by users. Selecting the check box next to Integrate into system activates the Device control feature in ESET Smart Security; you will need to restart your computer for this change to take effect.

Once Device control is enabled, Configure rules Particular devices can be allowed or blocked per user or user group and based on additional device parameters that can be specified in the rule configuration.

The list of rules contains several descriptions of a rule such as name, type of external device, action to perform after connecting an external device to your computer and log severity. Click Add or Edit to manage a rule. Click Copy to create a new rule with predefined options used for another selected rule.

By pressing CTRL and clicking, you can select multiple rules and apply actions, such as deleting or moving them up or down the list, to all selected rules. The Enabled check box disables or enables a rule; this can be useful if you don’t wish to delete a rule permanently in case you wish to use it in the future.

The control is accomplished by rules that are sorted in the order determining their priority, with higher priority rules on top. You can right-click a rule to display the context menu. Here you can set the log entries verbosity severity of a rule. Click Populate to auto-populate removable media device parameters for devices connected to your computer. Enter a description of the rule into the Name field for better identification. Selecting the check box next to Enabled disables or enables this rule; this can be useful if you don’t wish to delete the rule permanently.

The types of devices are inherited from the operating system and can be seen in the system Device manager providing a device is connected to the computer.

CDs, DVDs. Storage devices cover external disks or conventional memory card readers connected via USB or FireWire. Smart card readers encompass readers of smart cards with an embedded integrated circuit, such as SIM cards or authentication cards. Examples of imaging devices are scanners or cameras, these devices do not provide information about users, only about their actions.

This means that imaging devices can only be blocked globally. Rights Access to non-storage devices can be either allowed or blocked. By contrast, rules for storage devices allow for selecting one of the following rights: Block — Access to the device will be blocked.

Read Only — Only reading access to the device will be allowed. Other parameters that can be used to fine-tune rules and tailor them to devices. All parameters are case- insensitive: Vendor — Filtering by vendor name or ID. Model — The given name of the device. Serial number — External devices usually have their own serial numbers. Note: If the above three descriptors are empty, the rule will ignore these fields while matching.

Tip: In order to figure out the parameters of a device, create an allowing rule for the appropriate type of devices, connect the device to your computer and then check the device details in the Device control log. Rules can be limited to certain users or user groups by adding them to the User list: Add — Opens the Object type: Users or Groups dialog window that allows you to select desired users. Delete — Removes the selected user from the filter.

Note that not all devices can be limited by user rules, for example imaging devices do not provide information about users, only about invoked actions.

HIPS utilizes advanced behavioral analysis coupled with the detection capabilities of network filtering to monitor running processes, files and registry keys. HIPS is separate from Real-time file system protection and is not a firewall; it monitors only processes running within the operating system.

ESET Smart Security has built-in Self-defense technology that prevents malicious software from corrupting or disabling your antivirus and antispyware protection. Self-defense protects files and registry keys considered crucial to the function of ESET Smart Security and ensures that potentially malicious software has no privileges to make any modifications to these locations. Disabling the HIPS system also requires a computer restart to take effect. Exploit Blocker is designed to fortify commonly exploited application types such as web browsers, PDF readers, email clients and MS Office components.

Read more about this type of protection in the glossary. HIPS Filtering can be performed in one of four modes: Automatic mode with rules — Operations are enabled and a set of pre-defined rules are used protect your system.

Smart mode — User will be notified only about very suspicious events. Interactive mode — User will be prompted to confirm operations. Policy-based mode — Operations not defined by a rule can be blocked. Learning mode — Operations are enabled and a rule is created after each operation.

Rules created in this mode can be viewed in the Rule editor, but their priority is lower than the priority of rules created manually or rules created in automatic mode. After selecting Learning mode, the Notify about learning mode expiration in X days option becomes active.

After the time period defined in the Notify about learning mode expiration in X days is over, learning mode is disabled again. The maximum time period is 14 days. After this time period is over, a pop-up window will open in which you can edit the rules and select a different filtering mode. Click Configure rules Here you can select, create, edit or delete rules. Name the rule and select Block from the Action drop-down menu.

Open the Target applications tab. Leave the Source applications tab blank to apply your new rule to all applications attempting to perform any of the selected operations in the Operations list on applications in the Over these applications list.

Select Modify state of another application all operations are described in product help, which can be accessed by pressing F1. Add one or several applications you wish to protect. Select the Notify user check box to display a notification any time that a rule is applied. Click OK to save the new rule. You can choose to Deny or Allow the operation. If you do not choose an action, an action will be selected based on the pre-defined rules.

The Allow access to another application dialog window allows you to create a rule based on any new action that HIPS detects and then define the conditions under which to allow or deny that action. Click Show advanced options to define the exact parameters for your new rule.

This means that after creating such a rule, the same operation can trigger another dialog window if the parameters that your previous rule set do not apply to the situation. After any of these actions, temporary rules will be deleted. Gamer mode can also be used during presentations that cannot be interrupted by antivirus activity. By enabling this feature, all pop-up windows are disabled and the activity of the scheduler will be completely stopped.

System protection still runs in the background but does not demand any user interaction. Enabling Gamer mode is a potential security risk, so the protection status icon in the taskbar will turn orange and display a warning.

You will also see this warning in the main program window where you will see Gamer mode enabled in orange. By selecting Enable Gamer mode when running applications in full screen automatically, Gamer mode will start whenever you initiate a full-screen application and will automatically stop after you exit the application.

This is especially useful for starting Gamer mode immediately after starting a game, opening a full screen application or starting a presentation. You can also select Disable Gamer mode automatically after X minutes to define the amount of time after which Gamer mode will automatically be disabled default value is 1 minute. This can be problematic if you start a game that connects to the Internet. Normally, you would be asked to confirm such an action if no communication rules or exceptions have been defined , but user interaction is disabled in Gamer mode.

The solution is to define a communication rule for every application that might be in conflict with this behavior or to use a different Filtering mode in the Personal firewall. Keep in mind that if Gamer mode is enabled and you go to a webpage or an application that might be a security risk, it may be blocked but you will not see any explanation or warning because user interaction is disabled.

This is accomplished by allowing or denying individual network connections based on specified filtering rules. It provides protection against attacks from remote computers and enables blocking of some services. This functionality represents a very important element of computer security. Personal firewall configuration can be found in the Setup pane under Network. Here, you can adjust the filtering mode, rules and detailed settings.

You can also access more detailed settings of the program. Personal firewall Block all network traffic: disconnect network. All inbound and outbound communication will be blocked by the Personal firewall. Use this option only if you suspect critical security risks that require the system to be disconnected from the network.

Disable filtering: allow all traffic is the opposite of blocking all network traffic. If selected, all Personal firewall filtering options are turned off and all incoming and outgoing connections are permitted. This has the same effect as no firewall being present.

While Network traffic filtering is in Blocking mode, clicking Switch to filtering mode will re-enable the firewall. Automatic filtering mode when Automatic filtering mode is enabled — To change the filtering mode, click Switch to interactive filtering mode.

Interactive filtering mode when Interactive filtering mode is enabled — To change the filtering mode, click Switch to automatic filtering mode with user-defined rules. Configure rules and zones Change the protection mode of your computer in the network Any traffic which is considered harmful will be blocked. View temporary IP address blacklist For more information, click this option and then press F1. Botnet protection — Quickly and accurately spots malware on the system. Advanced Personal firewall setup Filtering modes also influence the level of user interaction required.

Filtering can be performed in one of four modes: Automatic mode — The default mode. This mode is suitable for users who prefer easy and convenient use of the firewall with no need to define rules. However, you can also add custom, user-defined rules.

Automatic mode allows all outbound traffic for the given system and blocks all new connections initiated from the network side. Interactive mode — Allows you to build a custom configuration for your Personal firewall. When a communication is detected and no existing rules apply to that communication, a dialog window reporting an unknown connection will be displayed.

The dialog window gives the option of allowing or denying the communication, and the decision to allow or deny can be remembered as a new rule for the Personal firewall. If you choose to create a new rule at this time, all future connections of this type will be allowed or blocked according to the rule.

Policy-based mode — Blocks all connections which are not defined by a specific rule that allows them. This mode allows advanced users to define rules that permit only desired and secure connections. All other unspecified connections will be blocked by the Personal firewall. Learning mode — Automatically creates and saves rules; this mode is suitable for initial configuration of the Personal firewall. Learning mode is not secure, and should only be used until all rules for required communications have been created.

Enable Botnet protection — Selected check box activates this feature in order to protect your computer from this type of attacks. For more information about this type of attack and type of Botnet protection technology, see also topics Botnet and Botnet protection. This mode is not safe, and is recommended only for initial configuration of the Personal firewall. This section includes the following items: Warning: While in Learning mode, the Personal firewall does not filter communication.

All outgoing and incoming communications are allowed. In this mode, your computer is not fully protected by the Personal firewall. Communication type — Select individual principles of rule creation for each type of communication. There exist four types of communication: Inbound traffic from the Trusted zone — An example of an incoming connection within the trusted zone would be a remote computer from within the trusted zone attempting to establish communication with a local application running on your computer.

Outbound traffic to the Trusted zone — A local application attempting to establish a connection to another computer within the local network, or within a network in the trusted zone. Inbound Internet traffic — A remote computer attempting to communicate with an application running on the computer.

Outbound Internet traffic — A local application attempting to establish a connection to another computer. Rule creation policy — This section allows you to define parameters to be added into newly created rules.

Add local port — Includes the local port number of the network communication. For outgoing communications, random numbers are usually generated. For this reason, we recommend enabling this option only for incoming communications. Add application — Includes the name of the local application. This option is suitable for future application-level rules rules which define communication for an entire application. For example, you can enable communication only for a web browser or email client. Add remote port — Includes the remote port number of the network communication.

This option is suitable if you want to define actions for a certain computer or a group of networked computers. Maximum number of different rules for an application — If an application communicates through different ports to various IP addresses, etc.

This option allows you to limit the number of rules that can be created for one application. This option is active when Add remote port is enabled. This option is intended to prevent the user from operating the Personal firewall in Learning mode for an extended period of time.

We recommend switching the Personal firewall to Learning mode only for a short time, while the user initiates typical connections. Network communications which are saved during the Learning mode period can be used as the foundation for a permanent set of rules. When creating or editing a Personal firewall rule, you can assign it to a specific profile or have it apply to every profile.

When you select a profile, only the global rules rules with no profile specified and the rules that have been assigned to that profile are applied. You can create multiple profiles with different rules assigned to easily alter the Personal firewall behavior.

Click Profiles Note that in order to Edit or Remove a profile, it must not be selected from the Selected profile drop-down menu. When adding or editing a profile, you can also define the conditions that trigger it. When creating a profile, you can select events that will trigger the profile. The following options are available: Do not switch automatically — The automatic trigger is turned off the profile must be activated manually.

When the automatic profile becomes invalid and no other profile is activated automatically default profile — When the automatic profile becomes invalid ie. Only one profile can use this trigger. If this zone is authenticated — This profile will be triggered when the specified zone is authenticated see section Network authentication. When the Personal firewall switches to another profile, a notification will appear in the lower right corner by the system clock.

Using Personal firewall rules, you can define the action that is taken when different types of network connections are established. Do not display dialog with Trusted zone settings The currently specified zone configuration is automatically used. The window is divided into two sections.

The upper section lists all rules in a shortened view. The lower section displays details about the rule currently selected in the upper section. The bottom of the window has New, Edit, and Delete Del buttons, which allow you to configure rules. Connections can be divided into incoming and outgoing connections. Incoming connections are initiated by a remote computer attempting to establish a connection with the local system.

Outgoing connections work in the opposite way — the local system contacts a remote computer. If a new unknown communication is detected, you must carefully consider whether to allow or deny it. Unsolicited, unsecured or unknown connections pose a security risk to the system. If such a connection is established, we recommend that you pay particular attention to the remote computer and the application attempting to connect to your computer.

Many infiltrations try to obtain and send private data, or download other malicious applications to host workstations. The Personal firewall allows you to detect and terminate such connections. Description — Description of the application. Name — Name of the application’s executable.

Select what type of rules will be displayed in the Rules setup section using the Rules to display list: Only user defined rules — Displays only those rules created by the user. User and predefined rules — Displays all user-defined and default pre-defined rules. All rules including system — All rules are displayed. By default, rules are added automatically according to user reactions to a new communication. To view more information about an application at the bottom of this window, click the name of the application.

You can use the contextual menu to change the display mode. The contextual menu can be also used for adding, editing and deleting rules. For each type direction of communication, you can select the following actions: Allow — To allow communication. Ask — You will be prompted to allow or deny each time communication is established. Deny — To deny communication. Specific — Cannot be classified with respect to the other actions.

For example, if an IP address or port is allowed through the Personal firewall it cannot be classified with certainty, whether incoming or outgoing communications of a related application are allowed. When installing a new application that accesses the network or when modifying an existing connection remote side, port number, etc. To edit an existing rule, click the Rules tab and then click Edit. Name — Name of rule, check box must be selected to activate the rule. Action — Shows the direction of communication and action.

Outgoing connections are allowed Outgoing connections are blocked Incoming connections are allowed Incoming connections are blocked All connections are allowed All connections trigger a dialog window prompting you to select allow or deny All connections are blocked Protocol — Communication protocol.

Address — Address of remote computer. Local port — Port of local computer. Remote port — Port of remote computer. Application — Indicates the application to which the rule applies. Modified — Date of the last modification. Profile — Select the profile from Display rules used in the profile drop-down menu to display the profile’s rules filter.

New — Click to create a new rule. Edit — Click to edit existing rules. Delete Del — Click to delete existing rules. In this case, the rule cannot fulfill the conditions and the specified action cannot be applied. If parameters have changed, the given connection may be refused, which can result in problems with operation of the application in question.

An example is a change of network address or port number for the remote side. The upper part of the window contains three tabs: General — Specify a rule name, the direction of the connection, the action, the protocol and the profile to which the rule will apply.

Local — Displays information about the local side of the connection, including the number of the local port or port range and the name of the communicating application. Remote — This tab contains information about the remote port port range. It also allows you to define a list of remote IP addresses or zones for a given rule.

Protocol represents the transfer protocol used for the rule. Click Select protocol All rules are enabled For every profile by default. Alternatively, select a custom firewall profile using the Profiles If you click Log, the activity connected with the rule will be recorded in a log. Notify user displays a notification when the rule is applied.

At the bottom of all three tabs is a summary of the rule. When creating a new rule, you have to enter a name for the rule into the Name field. Select the direction to which the rule applies from the Direction drop-down menu. Select the action to be executed when a communication meets the rule from the Action drop-down menu. A good example of adding a new rule is allowing your Internet browser to access the network. Add the process representing your browser application for Internet Explorer it is iexplore.

In the Remote tab, enable port number 80 only if you wish to allow standard Internet browsing activities. A zone represents a collection of network addresses that create one logical group.

Each address in a given group is assigned similar rules defined centrally for the whole group. One example of such a group is the Trusted zone. The Trusted zone represents a group of network addresses which are fully trusted and not blocked by the Personal firewall in any way. These zones can be configured using the Zones tab in the Zone and rule setup window by clicking the Edit button.

The Trusted zone is identified by the local IP address of the network adapter. Mobile computers often enter networks with IP addresses that are similar to the trusted network.

To prevent this type of situation, we recommended using zone authentication. Then click Add IPv4 address and select the Subnet option to add a subnet mask that contains the authentication server.

Click the Zone authentication tab. Each zone can be set to authenticate to the server. To select a Personal firewall profile to be activated after a successful zone authentication, click Profiles If authentication is unsuccessful, the addresses will not be added to the Trusted zone. If Switch to profile with the same name automatically a new profile will be created is selected, a new profile will be created after successful authentication.

The authentication process is repeated for each network your computer connects to. The server name can be followed by a path specifying the location of the key on the server e. Enter multiple servers, separated by semicolons, to serve as alternate servers if the first one is unavailable. The public key can be a file of one of the following types: PEM encrypted public key.

Encrypted public key Public key certificate. If authentication is successful, a Server authentication successful notification will appear. If authentication is not configured properly, one of the following error messages will appear: Server authentication failed. Maximum time for authentication elapsed.

The authentication server is inaccessible. An error has occurred while communicating with the server. The authentication server is not running. Start the authentication server service see section Zone authentication — Server configuration. The name of the authentication zone does not match the server zone. The configured zone name does not correspond with the authentication server zone. Review both zones and ensure their names are identical. Server authentication failed.

Server address not found in the list of addresses for the given zone. The IP address of the computer running the authentication server is outside the defined IP address range of the current zone configuration.

Probably an invalid public key was entered. Verify that the public key specified corresponds to the private server key. Also verify that the public key file is not corrupted. A zone is authenticated if all selected parameters for the active connection are valid.

To configure the authentication server, enter the authentication zone name, the server listening port default is 80 as well as the location to store the public and private key pair.

Next, generate the public and private key that will be used in the authentication process. The private key will remain on the server while the public key needs to be imported on the client side in the Zone authentication section when setting up a zone in the firewall setup. The active firewall mode determines which actions are performed for the new rule. If Automatic mode or Policy-based mode is activated, the Personal firewall will perform predefined actions with no user interaction.

Interactive mode displays an informational window that reports detection of a new network connection, supplemented with detailed information about the connection. You can opt to allow the connection or refuse block it. If you repeatedly allow the same connection in the dialog window, we recommend that you create a new rule for the connection. To do this, select Remember action create rule and save the action as a new rule for the Personal firewall.

If the firewall recognizes the same connection in the future, it will apply the existing rule without requiring user interaction.

Please be careful when creating new rules and only allow connections that you know are secure. If all connections are allowed, then the Personal firewall fails to accomplish its purpose. These are the important parameters for connections: Remote side — Only allow connections to trusted and known addresses.

Local application — It is not advisable to allow connections for unknown applications and processes. Port number — Communication on common ports e. In order to proliferate, computer infiltrations often use the Internet and hidden connections to help them infect remote systems. If rules are configured correctly, a Personal firewall becomes a useful tool for protection against a variety of malicious code attacks. The log files can be used to detect errors and reveal intrusions into your system.

ESET Personal firewall logs contain the following data: Date and time of event Name of event Source Target network address Network communication protocol Rule applied, or name of worm, if identified Application involved User A thorough analysis of this data can help detect attempts to compromise system security.

Many other factors indicate potential security risks and allow you to minimize their impact: frequent connections from unknown locations, multiple attempts to establish connections, unknown applications communicating or unusual port numbers used.

If your computer is connected to a large network, or to the internet, we recommend that you leave this option enabled. This is the most secure Personal firewall setting and offers a high level of protection. Personal firewall is inactive — The Personal firewall is integrated in the system and mediates network communication but does not check for threats. If the application protocols are not scanned, protection is carried out at the level of real-time file system protection and on-demand computer scan.

Personal firewall is completely disabled — Select this option to completely disengage the Personal firewall. No scanning is performed.

This can be useful when testing — if an application is blocked, you can check to see if it is blocked by the firewall. This is the least secure option; use caution when disabling the firewall completely.

Postpone Personal firewall module update until a computer restart — Personal firewall updates will only be downloaded and installed following a computer restart.

From here you can access more detailed settings of the program. Internet connectivity is a standard feature for personal computers. Unfortunately, the Internet has become the primary medium for distributing malicious code. For this reason it is essential that you carefully consider your Web access protection settings. Anti-Phishing protection allows you to block web pages known to distribute phishing content.

We strongly recommend that you leave Anti-Phishing enabled. Antispam protection filters unsolicited email messages. User’s Whitelist — Opens a dialog window where you can add, edit or delete email addresses that are considered safe. Email messages received from addresses listed in the Whitelist will not be scanned for spam. User’s Blacklist — Opens a dialog window where you can add, edit or delete email addresses that are considered unsafe. Email messages received from addresses listed in the Blacklist will be assessed as spam.

User’s Exceptions list — Opens a dialog window where you can add, edit or delete email addresses that may be spoofed and used for sending spam. Email messages received from addresses listed in the Exception list will always be scanned for spam.

By default, the Exception list contains all email addresses from existing email client accounts. When examining incoming messages, the program uses all the advanced scanning methods included in the ThreatSense scanning engine.

This means that detection of malicious programs takes place even before being matched against the virus signature database. ThreatSense engine parameter setup — The advanced virus scanner setup enables you to configure scan targets, detection methods, etc.

After an email has been checked, a notification with the scan result can be appended to the message. You can elect to Append tag messages to received and read mail or Append tag messages to sent mail. Be aware that on rare occasions tag messages may be omitted in problematic HTML messages or forged by some viruses.

The tag messages can be added to received and read email, sent email or both. The available options are: Never — No tag messages will be added at all. To infected email only — Only messages containing malicious software will be marked as checked default. To all scanned email — The program will append messages to all scanned email. This feature allows for simple, subject- based filtering of infected emails if supported by your email program. It also increases the level of credibility for the recipient and if an infiltration is detected, provides valuable information about the threat level of a given email or sender.

Template added to the subject of infected email — Edit this template if you wish to modify the subject prefix format of an infected email. This function will replace the message subject “Hello” with a given prefix value “[virus]” to the following format: “[virus] Hello”.

When integration is activated, the ESET Smart Security toolbar is inserted directly into the email client, allowing for more efficient email protection. For a complete list of supported email clients and their versions, refer to the following ESET Knowledgebase article. Select the check box next to Disable checking upon inbox content change if you are experiencing a system slowdown when working with your email client.

This can occur when retrieving email from the Kerio Outlook Connector Store. Email protection works as a plug-in for these programs. The main advantage of the plug-in is that it is independent of the protocol used. When the email client receives an encrypted message, it is decrypted and sent to the virus scanner. Email to scan Received email — Toggles checking of received messages. Sent email — Toggles checking of sent messages. Read email — Toggles checking of read messages.

Action to be performed on infected email No action — If enabled, the program will identify infected attachments, but will leave emails without taking any action. Delete email — The program will notify the user about infiltration s and delete the message. Move email to the Deleted items folder — Infected emails will be moved automatically to the Deleted items folder. Move email to folder — Specify the custom folder where you want to move infected emails when detected.

Other Repeat scan after update — Toggles rescanning after a virus signature database update. Accept scan results from other modules — If this is selected, the email protection module accepts scan results of other protection modules.

IMAP has some advantages over POP3, for example, multiple clients can simultaneously connect to the same mailbox and maintain message state information such as whether or not the message has been read, replied to or deleted. The protection module providing this control is automatically initiated at system startup and is then active in memory. IMAP protocol control is performed automatically without the need to reconfigure the email client.

By default, all communication on port is scanned, but other communication ports can be added if necessary. Multiple port numbers must be delimited by a comma. Encrypted communication will be not scanned. For the module to work correctly, please make sure it is enabled — POP3 protocol checking is performed automatically without requiring re-configuration of the email client. This type of communication uses an encrypted channel to transfer information between server and client.

Spam represents up to 80 percent of all email communication. Combining several email security principles, the Antispam module provides superior filtering to keep your inbox clean. One important principle for spam detection is the ability to recognize unsolicited email based on predefined trusted addresses whitelist and spam addresses blacklist.

All addresses from your contact list are automatically added to the whitelist, as well as all other addresses you mark as safe. The primary method used to detect spam is the scanning of email message properties. Received messages are scanned for basic Antispam criteria message definitions, statistical heuristics, recognizing algorithms and other unique methods and the resulting index value determines whether a message is spam or not.

Options are as follows: Message processing Add text to email subject — Enables you to add a custom prefix string to the subject line of messages that have been classified as spam. The default is “[SPAM]”. Move messages to spam folder — When enabled, spam messages will be moved to the default junk email folder.

Use the folder — This option moves spam to a user-defined folder. Mark spam messages as read — Select this to automatically mark spam as read. It will help you to focus your attention on “clean” messages. Do not write — The Score cell in the Antispam protection log will be empty.

Write all messages — All messages will be recorded to the log with a spam score. Start email client antispam protection automatically — When enabled, antispam protection will be activated automatically on system startup. Allow advanced antispam control — Additional antispam databases will be downloaded, increasing antispam capabilities and producing better results.

Known spam addresses can be added to the blacklist and always be classified as spam. Similarly, the same process applies to spam addresses. If an email address is listed on the blacklist, each email message which arrives from that address is classified as spam. Reclassified messages are automatically moved to the SPAM folder, but the sender’s email address is not added to the Blacklist.

If messages from the Junk E-mail folder are classified as not spam, they are moved to their original folder. Marking a message as not spam does not automatically add the sender’s address to the Whitelist. Unfortunately, it has also become the main medium for transferring malicious code. We strongly recommend that Web access protection is enabled. Access to known web pages with malicious content is always blocked.

You can also define the port numbers used for HTTP communication. HTTPS communication uses an encrypted channel to transfer information between server and client. Port is set by default. Add, Edit, Remove and Export are used to manage the lists of addresses. Websites in the list of blocked addresses will not be accessible.

Websites in the list of excluded addresses are accessed without being scanned for malicious code. If you select Allow access only to URL addresses in the list of allowed addresses, only addresses present in the list of allowed addresses will be accessible, while all other HTTP addresses will be blocked.

You must have an active internet connection before you can download updates. If the Clear button next to Clear update cache is unavailable the button is unavailable , restart your computer and attempt to update again before you restart, click here to bookmark this article.

After your computer has restarted, repeat steps Clear should now be active. If the issue persists, uninstall and reinstall your ESET product. Clear update cache is unavailable If the Clear button next to Clear update cache is unavailable the button is unavailable , restart your computer and attempt to update again before you restart, click here to bookmark this article.

Restart your computer. Figure Last Updated: Oct 27, Was this information helpful? Additional resources.


Eset smart security error code act.5 free download

ESET products will display a number of ACT error codes (for example ACT.0, ACT.5, ACT.7 or ACT, view full list of ACT errors) if activation fails. This error occurs if you try to install an ESET product with the wrong bitness for your operating system. For example, a bit product on a bit system.


Eset smart security error code act.5 free download. ESET SMART SECURITY 8 User Guide


Eset smart security error code act.5 free download users. To resolve these issues follow the steps below:. Remove any previously installed antivirus software using the vendor’s approved method. Get tools to remove third-party AV here. Verify that your internet connection is active by visiting the ESET home page. You must have an active internet connection before you can download updates.

Click Start and type Command Prompt. Type the command netsh winsock reset and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Restart your computer and attempt to activate it. Errors can occur when the system time on your machine is set incorrectly. Set your system clock properly to resolve the error. Детальнее на этой странице action requires Windows administration privileges.

See the complete Activation overview diagram for more information and context about activation issues. If you are still unable to resolve your issue after performing these steps or checking Activation error codes and messagesemail ESET Technical Support.

This error typically occurs after upgrading your ESET product. To resolve this error, restart your computer and attempt to activate your product eset smart security error code act.5 free download your license key.

Add the inline link to “active your ESET product. Your license key is not valid in the country you selected during installation. Select the proper country or contact your license distributor. This error may be caused by a failed eset smart security error code act.5 free download or corrupted installation. Uninstallers removal tools for common Windows antivirus software. If you receive the error message “Activation failed”, then the Activation key you are using has already been activated or you entered an incorrect License Key.

Depending on the version of your product, you will need to enter one or more of these credentials into your ESET product to activate it. Verify you downloaded the correct ESET product for the license you purchased. To download a different product, visit the download page. This eset smart security error code act.5 free download can occur when the system time on your machine is set incorrectly or your computer hostname is missing.

Verify your computer has an active internet connection by going to www. This is a known issue with Windows operating systems that prevents activating your ESET product in some circumstances. Verify your Windows operating system is up-to-date. If not, perform a Windows Update, restart your computer and try to activate again. Communication with ESET activation servers is verified using certificates. Ensure the Windows root certificates are updated using Windows Update automatically.

Alternatively, refer to Microsoft’s article. This license is not valid in the selected country. Your license needs to be activated in the country where it was purchased.

Open an administrative Command Prompt. Right-click the Command Prompt icon and select Run as administrator. In normal circumstances, you should be able to activate your ESET product. Check for a firewall presence on your network. This error commonly occurs when your computer is not properly connected to your network and your internet connection is not active. You may need to re-enter your ESET username and password or clear the update cache.

Please include your Activation key and the proof of purchase number from your Staples receipt in your email if available. To download a different product, visit the Download Page.

To resolve these issues follow the steps below: Remove any previously installed antivirus software using the vendor’s approved method. Figure Errors can occur when the system time on your machine is set incorrectly. Figure See the complete Activation overview diagram for more information and context about activation issues. Determine if you have the latest version of your ESET product. Your license credentials could have been reset to avoid overuse due to leaking practices.

Check the email account registered during purchase and look for any communication on behalf of ESET regarding this scenario. You can recover the new License Key through the Lost license form. When the license is no longer overused, attempt to activate again. Uninstallers removal tools for common Windows antivirus software ACT. This error typically occurs when you try to activate a product using an expired trial license.

Uninstallers removal tools for common Windows antivirus software Communication with Eset smart security error code act.5 free download activation servers is eset smart security error code act.5 free download using certificates.

Last Updated: Aug 15, Was this information helpful? Additional resources. User Guides. ESET Forum. YouTube videos.

Need further assistance? More Information. Support News. Customer Advisories. Activation was successful but something went wrong. It is required to verify the activation with the parent previous license which is already not renewable or expired. You may receive the ACT. Activation failed – An error occurred during activation Your license key is not valid in the country you selected during installation. Your license is overused. Your license is expired and can be renewed. Your license is expired and non-renewable, the product has to be activated using a different license.

Undefined Error This error can occur when the system time on your machine is set incorrectly or your computer hostname is missing. We could not reach the activation server This is a known issue with Windows operating systems that prevents activating your ESET eset smart security error code act.5 free download in some circumstances. We could not reach the activation server This error is commonly caused by the following reasons: Your computer is not properly connected to your network and your internet connection is not active.

A conflict with third-party security software, such as Lavasoft Web Companion. To resolve the error, uninstall Lavasoft Web Companion and run a winsock reset. When Lavasoft is removed, follow the steps below: Open an administrative Command Prompt. Right-click the Command Prompt icon and select Run as administrator Type the command netsh winsock reset and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Restart your computer. Certificate validation fails. The ESET servers are busy. Please wait the specified amount of time stated in the error message and моему windows 10 feature update download tool free download Так try to activate again.

We could not reach the activation server This error commonly occurs when your computer is not properly connected to your network and your internet connection outlook purchase 2019 free microsoft not active.

Product activation fails You may need to re-enter your ESET username and password or clear the update cache. Activation key is used for a different product Verify you downloaded the correct ESET product for the license you purchased.


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