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Sometimes it’s necessary to install on a computer programs that may be dangerous for the system, because they may contain viruses or because they modify the computer’s configuration. Deep Freeze is a program that will allow you to freeze the system so that no changes you apply affect it.

Thanks to the latter, when you reboot your computer, you’ll have it back to the status it had prior to the freeze. Avoid problems caused by the programs you install on your PC. Once you install Deep Freeze , the program will ask you to reboot the computer. Revert system changes and the resulting issues caused by different actions with a simple reboot.

Features and Highlights Freeze and Restore Freeze your endpoints to the desired state. Restore from any unexpected changes with a simple reboot.

Completely Non-Restrictive Provide users with unrestricted access and avoid restrictive computer lockdown for maintaining security. Reverse Configuration Drifts Reverse configuration drifts with a simple PC reboot while allowing users to save their work. Protection Against Phishing Reverse malicious changes on reboot and protect computers from phishing. Eliminate Undetected Threats Effectively reverse malicious changes to your computers including zero-day threats.

Achieve License Compliance Only approved software stays and unauthorized software is removed thereby achieving license compliance. Note : 30 days trial version. Download Deep Freeze Latest Version. Top Downloads. Comments and User Reviews. Here are the most common license types: Freeware Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations.

Open Source Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Free to Play This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Demo Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces.

Achieve Compliance. Freeze your endpoints to the desired state. Restore from any unexpected changes with a simple reboot. Provide users with unrestricted access and avoid restrictive computer lockdown for maintaining security. Reverse Configuration Drifts. Reverse configuration drifts with a simple reboot while allowing users to save their work.

Effectively reverse malicious changes to your computers including zero-day threats. Only approved software stays and unauthorized software is removed thereby achieving license compliance.

Get enhanced security with protection for the Master Boot Record from rootkit injections and other alterations, making your security bulletproof. Retain Critical Data. Create virtual partitions to retain important data even if there is no separate physical partition available on the computer.

Increase Productivity. Deep Freeze uses patented technology to redirect information being written to the hard drive to an allocation table, leaving the original data intact. The Non-Restrictive Reboot-to-Restore Concept Provide users with unrestricted access to operating system and installed programs while preventing permanent configuration changes. Make toughbooks even tougher.

Revert unwanted changes in the operating system and installed software with a simple reboot. Provide a flexible and non-restrictive lab environment where students can focus on learning while your computers stay protected. AntiFreeze 1. Toolwiz Time Freeze 1. Your review for Deep Freeze. Your review for Deep Freeze Thank you for rating!

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Deep freeze windows 10 download full version. Deep Freeze for Windows 10 (32/64 bit)


Home » Software » Utilities » Deep Freeze v8. Ketika kalian menginstall Deep Freeze pada komputer, segala perubahan baik itu dari software atau game baru pada pc akan hilang kembali ke settingan semula saat komputer di restart.

Hal ini biasa dikenal dengan pembekuan partisi atau membuat partisi yang dibekukan tetap seperti keadaan awal setelah dilakukan restart. Biasanya aplikasi Deep Freeze ini diinstall di warnet untuk mencegah program berbahaya yang merusak. Amannya hasil dari kerja software ini membuat program Deep Freeze sangat rekomendasi untuk mencegah software yang tidak dibutuhkan masuk dan menetap pada komputer kalian.

Software ini juga bisa menjaga apabila ada data yang tidak sengaja terhapus. Jadi tinggal restart komputer, semua masalah akan hilang. Download Deep Freeze full version yang terdiri dari enterprise dan standard untuk windows pc 7 hingga 10 ataupun MacOS pada panel dibawah melalui link google drive.

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Kone Mahesa on April 14, Sudah saya ikuti cara diatas semua, sudah full never expires, tapi kenapa activation statusnya pending activation dan tetap expired kak? Rama on April 8, bang tolong bantuannya , kok patch nya cuman ada crak dan isi craknya Persi0. Alex on April 8, klik kanan, run as administrator. Alex on March 31, passwordnya liat di bawah link download kak. Alex on February 11, buka file key. Alex on January 27, ane ngikutin require dari sananya bro..

Firman on November 30, Disusupin trojan gak ni exe nya? Alex on December 2, ngga dong bro… baca dulu cara downloadnnya biar tidak tersesat dijalan. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.


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