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It might come as a surprise, but Adobe Premiere Pro only has 38 transition options. Needless to say, the program supports a wide range of plugins, which give you more features to play with. These include colorizing, lighting, transforming, and keying. With a double click, you can apply any effect on the clips.

Adobe Premiere download comes with various collaboration features for professionals around the world. For instance, the Creative Cloud Libraries can be used to organize and store assets online, and the Team Projects feature helps motion graphics artists and editors collaborate in real time. Fortunately, any Premiere user can synchronize settings to Creative Cloud , making it possible to edit from different computers and locations. You can easily adjust white balance, contrast, exposure, shadows, highlights, and black point.

Each one of these can be conveniently activated with keyframes. The color wheel and curve options are also impressive. Whenever you drop a clip in the timeline, the tool automatically creates new tracks. It also lets you specify types, such as standard, stereo, adaptive, 5. Adobe Premiere Pro offers a range of text options for captions and titles. For titles, the program supports a huge selection of fonts, including the standard Adobe Typekit fonts. You can also choose kerning, leading, crawling, rolling, texture, opacity, rotation, and other options.

Just like Photoshop , you can apply shadows and strokes to the fonts. It gives you all the tools and features required to create stunning visuals. The latest version of the software comes with live text templates, faster editing workflows, enhanced graphics, master clip effects, and more. Just download, install, and start working on high-end video editing projects.

This program is compatible with Windows Your app is very good and great Special thanks to Shotstash for the image used in the cover photo. At a whopping pages, you can expect this guide to give you a detailed overview of literally everything you can do with Premiere Pro. A lot of the the tips in this PDF are going to be straightforward, or functions you already know. Most importantly, this will give you a solid definition for nearly every word a fellow video editor might use on a daily basis.

This is absolutely perfect and more digestible than the official user guide for a brand new user. This basic guide is written by a user of Adobe Premiere Pro CC, so it only touches on the things that a user will come up against.

This trims the fat from other intro guides, while still being detailed about the important things. This is the perfect Premiere Pro tutorial PDF for someone who is moving from a simpler editor like iMovie, into the more advanced world of Premiere Pro.

In other words, having some video editing knowledge and the desire to do more with your editor will make this PDF more valuable! The software itself has changed a bit but the actions you take will be the same. This tutorial PDF is packed with useful tips, in addition to step-by-step instructions with example clips! For people that learn visually, this is a good PDF to read. For a great middle ground in terms of length and detail, this PDF guide is perfect. At 28 pages, it covers all of the basics of Premiere Pro, as well as some level of detail in important areas.

This will take you through all of the important things you need to know. This was written by a band who recorded and edited a music video.

They go through the process from that perspective. Which means there is a bit of bumbling around, and referencing other good tutorials. It has fewer features than the full version, but it is available at a fraction of the price.

This means that it is suited to more casual users who do not intend to take full advantage of a professional editing suite. Premiere is designed to be compatible with all widely-used video formats, although only the Windows edition can import WMV files. In addition, the software supports a range of different digital camera types for users who wish to capture and edit footage directly from their camera. The program comes with ready-made presets which, when chosen, will ensure that the exported video is suitable to either YouTube or Vimeo, depending on the user’s choice.

As a general rule, the user should choose H. Premiere is capable of exporting to both DVD and Blu-ray. Yes, Premiere is used by professional filmmaker. The software has been used during the creation of such prominent and well-known films of recent years as Gone Girl and Deadpool. Anybody using the full Premiere Pro will, at the end of the day, be using the same tool as the professional editors of those films.


– Adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free


Premiere Pro is a non-destructive editing software, which means nothing you do in the program can change or overwrite your media rree. Premier Pro is taught in three of our workshops. The project file will contain references to the different media files you use to build your movie and the sequences on which you arrange your video clips, add audio tracks, transitions, titles, etc.

When you launch Adobe Premiere Pro, a new window will appear. Click the New Project button, located on adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free left side of the window.

This will open a new window where you can define the basic settings of your project, including the filename and location where the project file will be saved. The scratch disk is the location on your computer where Premiere Pro CC will store premlere and other files related to your project. By default the Scratch Disk will be set to the same folder that you set as the location for your new project.

We recommend setting it to the same location, unless you have multiple hard drives. If you only have 1 or 2 drives your computer, and an external hard driveyou can ignore this, but for the curious, the ideal disk setup according to Adobe is as follows. After scratch disks, you can check out the Ingest Settings. After you create traininng new project or re-open an existing project, the main workspace for Adobe Premiere will open on your screen.

Привожу ссылку is divided into four sections or panes:. To change the layout of your workspace panes, click the Window button in the vertical bar at the top of the screen. Hover over it to display the available pre-selected workspace panes, and select whichever you prefer.

Any panel can be resized by clicking and dragging at the margins between panes, or moved around the screen by clicking and dragging on the name of the pane. You can change a number of setting preferences in Premiere, such as doing more frequent automatic saves of your project or changing the default settings for how audio from your camera is converted into different types of audio tracks in Premiere. To do this, select Premiere Pro from the horizontal menu at the top of the screen.

Make sure you have selected the checkbox next to Automatically save projects. In the text field next to Automatically Save Every: enter 5 minutes. In the text field next to Maximum Project Versions: enter This will automatically save your project more frequently, and keep a longer record of old versions of your project. Hover over File in the horizontal menu at the top of the screen, go to Project Settings and click Scratch Disks.

A new window called Project Settings will appear. Trajning Project Auto Saveyou can choose where the auto saved files will be stored. Peo easiest way to do this is to connect your memory card to your computer using a card reader, and drag and drop the contents into a folder that will contain both your project file and video files onto the computer or external hard drive.

You should not edit the AVCHD folder or any adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free within this folder, or you risk corrupting the video footage. It is necessary to import your media into Feee so you can begin editing. A finder window will open, and you can select the folder or individual files you want to import.

You can view the files that are available on your computer or external hard drive and import them into Premiere. Video files will appear as icons showing the first scene from the clip. You can also adjust the slider at the bottom to increase the adkbe of the icons, and click on the three horizontal lines to sort by name, filetype, etc. This, in conjunction with zooming on thumbnail view, offers adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free easy way to scrub through your videos frse preview your clips.

Double click on a file to preview it in the Source pane, located directly above adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free Project pane. This does not import the file, but allows you to play the clip, and scrub through it in a larger view.

Premiere Pro CC will import the file and it will appear in the Project pane. You can also copy files from a media traihing to your computer and import them into Premiere in one action using the Media Browser. This will copy media from your card to your computer, and import all at once. Adobe Media Encoder must be installed to adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free files this way.

To start, in the top bar of the Media Browser, select the checkbox labeled Ingest. Then click the wrench next to traihing Ingest checkbox to verify your settings. The Project Settings window will open to the tab called Ingest Settings. Primary Destination: Defines the location adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free the files will be copied. By default, the files will be placed in the same folder as your project file.

Click OK to save your settings. Navigate to locate your card using the Media Browser tab. Your media card should be under Local Drives. You can toggle the arrow to find the specific card you want to import files from. Right click adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free the file or folder you wish to import, and select Import from the menu options.

The media files will be copied from the card to your project file, and imported into your project. Another program free font download list 11.1 folio font adobe Adobe Media Encoder will open and show you a progress bar as the files are being copied, but you can ignore this and autodesk 3ds max 2017 keygen xforce free download free download editing immediately.

There are multiple ways to use the Undo function. Navigate to the horizontal menu bar at the top of the page, right click Edit and select Undo from the menu. In order to edit the footage you imported, navigate out of the Media Browser, to the Project tab in the Project pane. Double cree that you are working in the Project pane and not the Media Browser. You can adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free how you view your footage- in a list or as icons you can scrub through -by selecting between two buttons in the bottom left of the Project pane.

You can view clips in the Source pane for a larger traininng. Double click on a clip, or click and drag it onto the source monitor to preview.

Once a clip has been loaded in the Source pane, you can use the buttons on the bottom, or the space adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free on adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free keyboard to playback or pause the video.

You can drag it left or right to scrub forward or backward in the clip. J will rewind, K will pause, and L will play the clip forward. Clicking J or L multiple times will speed up playback forwards or backwards. Before you start editing, you need to create a sequence.

Peo sequence is a container for all of your edits. Sequences are organized and accessed in the Project pane prekiere edited in the Timeline. You can have multiple sequences in one project, or do all of your editing inside one sequence, it just depends on how you work.

To create a new sequence, navigate to the horizontal menu at the top of the screen. You can change settings here to match the video format for the camera you used for this project. This setting matches the resolution and frame rate we use with the Sony x70 camera. To create custom settings, open the Settings tab, located to the right of the Sequence Presets tab. Click the Save Preset button in the bottom left of the window. A new window will open, prompting you to name your preset.

Name the preset and click OK. Your preset pri be available in the Sequence Presets tab, within the Custom folder at the bottom of the list of Available Presets. You can use your custom preset for future projects where you are editing video from the same camera.

Premiere Pro CC will do this automatically when you drag a video clip from your Project pane into the Timeline. It may only appear after you drag a clip into the Timeline from the project window or source monitor.

You can add a clip to a sequence in the Timeline by dragging it from Source pane on the top left of the screen, down to the Timeline pane on the lower right. Alternatively, you fref drag and drop video footage from the Project pane directly into the timeline. Drag the clip to the V1 video track посетить страницу источник the timeline and release.

Drag the icon that looks like an audio waveform, premierr appears just below the preview on the Source pane, to the audio tracks in the timeline. Grab the icons just below the preview on the Source pane that appears like a film strip, and drag it to the video track of the timeline.

You can also highlight a portion of the video as you preview it in the Source pane, to drag a selection into the timeline, rather than an entire video clip.

Click where you would like to begin the selection using the adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free playhead. The area you have selected will be highlighted in the Source pane. Drag and drop the selection into the Timeline pane to edit. The timeline is where you will do your editing and build your final video. Video clips appear as horizontal bars in the timeline. Those in the upper half Lines marked V1, V2, V3 etc. Those in the lower adobe premiere pro cc 2019 training free A1, A2, A3 etc are audio content.

The thin vertical blue line is the playhead, and it shows your position in the timeline. When the playhead is over a video clip, the video will appear in the program pane above. For example, one video track will cover another. You can only view the top video clip in the Program pane. They play backwards, pause, and forward, respectively. Zooming in and out on the clip allows you to view the seconds or minutes more closely, and edit your footage more precisely.

You can move video clips around in the timeline by clicking and dragging them up, down, left or right. You can shorten clips by clicking on the edge of a clip and dragging it in. When you hover your cursor over the clip, a red arrow will appear.


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To access Lynda. Visit our help center. Premiere Pro. Preview Course. Sort By: release date newest first release date newest first release date oldest first course title a-z course title z-a. Tune in every Thursday for a new tip. Learn how to edit video and audio, make color corrections, add titles and effects, and more.

Get tips for defining the structure and vision of your episodes, editing your footage, creating a main title sequence, and more. Audio for Video Editors: Essential Terms with Cheryl Ottenritter Learn the science behind some of the most essential digital audio terms and concepts you may encounter in the audio post-production process. Learn how to create, organize, and share CC Libraries between Adobe applications.

Pick up key techniques as you explore the evolution and best practices of web video. Creating a Short Film: 08 Editing with Chad Perkins In this installment of the Creating a Short Film series, learn how to enhance and punch up your story using key editing techniques.

Accessible Video: Caption, Search, and Compliance Strategies with Richard Harrington Learn how to increase the accessibility and discoverability of your videos. Add captions and transcripts using popular video editing tools such as Premiere Pro.

Learning Typography for Video Editors with Nick Harauz Improve your typography skills and create better type treatments for your video editing projects. Greenberg Discover how to leverage Adobe Premiere Pro in your captioning workflow.

Learn how to create and time closed captions, open captions, transcripts, and more. See how to export your media with embedded captions.

Telling Your Story on the Web in 60 Seconds with Richard Harrington Learn how to use video, motion graphics, and degree imagery to create eye-catching content for the web and social media—from animated GIFs to whiteboard videos.

Color for Video Editors with Robbie Carman Learn practical strategies that can help you simplify color correction tasks for nearly any video project. What’s New? Basic Editing Playing and marking shots Subclipping shots Setting up a sequence Performing insert edits Moving clips and swapping shots Removing material for concision Adding b-roll video Trimming shot length using ripple trims Adjusting transitions using roll trims Changing content and position: Slipping and sliding edits 6.

Additional Editing and Organizational Techniques Performing replace edits Using markers for organization Understanding track and clip behavior Undoing and redoing actions Customizing the keyboard Modifying buttons on the user interface 7.

Basic Audio Editing Exploring audio channel configuration Editing in your music Making audio gain adjustments Adjusting and keyframing audio volume Automatic audio adjustments and ducking Fixing out-of-sync audio 8.

Multicamera Editing Multi-camera editing and refining 9. You are not authorized to use these files commercially or to publish, share, or distribute them in any form without earning Paths written permission from Adobe Systems, Inc. Do not share videos created with these lesson files publicly. You will find a complete copyright statement on the ighlights copyright page at the beginning of this book. L Playlists cknowledgments istory Producing effective learning materials for such an advanced technology is a team effort.

As each draft lesson was completed, and with the helpful guidance of Laura Norman, the most amazing and highly experienced Victor Gavenda checked over the text to make sure it was ideally accessible for learners, and all references to the technology were run by the remarkable media technology expert Jarle Leirpoll, who has an incredible depth of knowledge of Premiere Pro.

An amount of the content of this book is derived from material written by Richard Harrington, five versions back. Maxim Jago LO etting Started istory Adobe Premiere Pro CC, the essential editing application for professionals and video opics enthusiasts, is an incredibly scalable, efficient, and flexible video editing system.

It supports a broad range of video, audio, and image formats. Premiere Pro lets you work earning Paths faster and more creatively without converting your media. The lessons are designed so that you can learn at your own pace. This book also teaches many advanced features, including tips and techniques for using the latest version of this software. You can view updated system requirements here: elpx. For example, you should know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands and also how to open, save, and close files.

If you need to review these techniques, see the documentation included with your Windows or macOS system. For system requirements and complete instructions on installing the software, visit ww. You can purchase Adobe Creative Cloud by visiting ww. A fast processor and a lot of memory will make your editing experience faster and more efficient. This translates to a more fluid and enjoyable creative experience.

The speed of the storage drives you use for video playback is also a factor. A dedicated fast storage drive is recommended for your media. Storing your media files and program files on the same hard drive can affect performance. Keep your media files on a separate disk, if possible, for speed and media management. GPU acceleration provides a significant performance improvement, and most video cards with at least 2 GB of dedicated memory will work.

You will find information about hardware and software requirements on the Adobe website at elpx. You will need about 7 GB of storage space for the lesson files. Because you are copying the files to a new location, you may need to update those links when you open projects for the first time.

Note If media files were originally stored in multiple locations, you may need to search more than once to relink all the media for a project. If you open a project and Premiere Pro is unable to find a linked media file, the Link Media dialog may open, inviting you to relink offline files. If this happens, select an offline clip on the list and click the Locate button. Locate the Lessons folder using the navigator on the left and click Search.

Premiere Pro will locate the media file inside the Lessons folder. To hide all other files, making it easy to select the correct one, select the option to display only exact name matches. The last known file path and file name and the currently selected file path and file name are displayed at the top of the panel for reference.

Select the file and click OK. Each lesson stands alone, but most build on previous lessons. For this reason, the best way to learn from this book is to proceed through the lessons one after another. As you explore the skills described in this book, you may find it helpful to review earlier lessons you have already completed and to practice the fundamental editing techniques regularly.

The advanced workflows build on fundamental principles introduced early on, and taking a few moments to recap earlier lessons makes it easier to discover the common principles that apply. Ultimately this practice makes you better at training yourself. You can download the files for individual lessons, or it may be possible to download them all in a single file.

Web Edition The Web Edition is an online interactive version of the book providing an enhanced learning experience. Your Web Edition can be accessed from any device with a connection to the Internet, and it contains the following: The complete text of the book T U Hours of instructional video keyed to the text Interactive quizzes In addition, the Web Edition may be updated when Adobe adds significant feature updates between major Creative Cloud releases.

To accommodate the changes, sections of the online book may be updated or new sections may be added. Accessing the lesson files and Web Edition If you purchased an ebook from peachpit. Click the Launch link to access the product. Continue reading to learn how to register your product to get access to the lesson files. If you purchased an ebook from a different vendor or you bought a print book, you must register your purchase on peachpit. Enter ISBN Only the commands and options used in the lessons are explained in this book.

For comprehensive information about program features and tutorials, refer to the following resources, which you can reach by choosing commands from the Help menu. Some of these resources can also be reached by clicking the Learn button in the Home screen described in esson 1 and following links on the Learn tab. You can also access the same tutorials from the Home screen by clicking Learn. A different set of tutorials is provided inside Premiere Pro on the Learn panel.

Adobe Premiere Pro blog: heblog. Check it out at reate. Resources for educators: adobe. Find solutions for education at all levels, including free curricula that use an integrated approach to teaching Adobe software and that can be used to prepare for the Adobe Certified Associate exams. Also, check out these useful sites: Adobe Exchange: ww. Adobe Premiere Pro CC product home page: dobe.

A directory of AATCs is available at raining. Please log in to your account on peachpit. Despite rapid change in camera systems and the distribution landscape, however, the goal of video editing is the same: You want to take your source footage and shape it, guided by your original vision, so that you can effectively communicate with your audience. Like a word processing application, Premiere Pro lets you place, replace, and move video, audio, and images anywhere you want in your final edited work.

You can edit any part of the sequence in any order and then change the contents or move clips so that they play earlier or later. You can blend layers of video together, change the image size, adjust the colors, add special effects, adjust the audio mix, and more.

Note The word clip comes from the days of celluloid film editing, where a section of film would be clipped to separate it from a reel. Each stage requires a particular kind of attention and different tools. Also, some projects call for more time spent on one stage than another. Whether you skip through some stages with a quick mental check or spend hours even days! Acquire your media: This can mean recording original footage, creating new animated content, or gathering a variety of assets for a project.

Ingest the video to your storage drive: With tapeless media, Premiere Pro can read the media files directly, usually with no need for conversion. Use fast storage for smooth playback.

Organize your clips: Your project may have a lot of video content to choose from. Invest the time to organize clips into special folders called bins in your project. You can add color labels and other metadata additional information about the clips to help keep things organized.

Create a sequence: Combine the parts of the video and audio clips you want as a sequence in the Timeline panel. Add transitions: Place special transition effects between clips, add video effects, and create combined visual effects by placing clips on multiple layers called tracks in the Timeline panel.

Create or import titles, graphics and captions: Add them to your sequence along with your video clips. Adjust the audio mix: Adjust the volume of your audio clips to get the mix just right, and use transitions and effects on your audio clips to improve the sound. Output: Export your finished project to a file or a videotape. A large community of creative and technical professionals is waiting to share their experience and support your development as an editor. You may not incorporate all of the following features in your first few video projects.

The following topics will be covered: Advanced audio editing: Premiere Pro provides audio effects and editing tools unequaled by any other nonlinear editor. Keyframe controls: Premiere Pro gives you precise control over the timing of visual and motion effects without using a dedicated compositing or motion graphics application. Broad hardware support: Choose from a wide range of dedicated input and output hardware to assemble a system that best fits your needs and budget. GPU acceleration mode requires a graphics card that meets minimum specifications in your workstation.

Most modern cards with a minimum of 1GB of dedicated video memory will work. Multicamera editing: You can quickly and easily edit productions shot with multiple cameras. You can automatically sync multiple camera angles based on clip audio or timecode. Project management: Manage your media through a single dialog box.

View, delete, move, search for, and reorganize clips and bins. Consolidate your projects by copying just the media used in sequences to a single location. Then reclaim storage space by deleting unused media files. Metadata: Premiere Pro supports Adobe XMP, which stores additional information about media as metadata that multiple applications can access. This metadata can be used to locate clips or communicate important information such as preferred takes or copyright notices.

Creative titles: Create titles and graphics with the Essential Graphics panel. Media encoding: Export your sequence to create a video and audio file that is erfect for your needs.

Use the advanced features of Adobe Media Encoder to create copies of your finished sequence in multiple formats, based on presets or your own detailed preferences. Color adjustments and information overlays can be applied during export, and media files can be uploaded to social media platforms in a single step.

Dedicated visual effects that meet the unique demands of video are available. Premiere Pro is part of Adobe Creative Cloud, which means you have access to a number of other specialized tools, including After Effects, Audition, and Prelude.

Understanding the way these software components work together will improve your efficiency and give you more creative freedom. The software set has everything you need to produce advanced, professionally finished videos. Adobe After Effects CC: The highly popular tool of choice for motion graphics, animation, and visual effects artists.

Adobe Character Animator CC: A tool for creating advanced animation with natural movement for 2D puppets using your webcam for face tracking and keyboard shortcuts. You can work with photos, video, and 3D objects to prepare them for your project. Adobe Audition CC: A powerful tool for audio editing, audio cleanup and sweetening, music creation and adjustment, and multitrack mix creation.

Here are a few scenarios: Use Photoshop CC to touch up and apply effects to still images and layered image compositions from a digital camera, a scanner, or a video clip. Then use them as source media in Premiere Pro. Changes made in Photoshop update in Premiere Pro. Import and manage large numbers of media files with Prelude, adding valuable metadata, temporal comments, and tags.

Create sequences from clips and subclips in Adobe Prelude and send them to Premiere Pro to continue editing them. Send clips directly from the Premiere Pro timeline to Adobe Audition for professional audio cleanup and sweetening. Use After Effects to create compositions containing advanced text animation, such as an opening or closing title sequence.

Use those compositions in Premiere Pro directly thanks to Dynamic Link. Adjustments made in After Effects appear in Premiere Pro immediately. Naturally, most of this book focuses on workflows involving only Premiere Pro. However, sidebars will explain ways to include Adobe Creative Cloud components in your workflows for powerful effects work and finishing. To make it easier to configure the user interface, Premiere Pro offers workspaces.

Then launch Premiere Pro. The Home screen appears. The first few times you launch Premiere Pro, the Home screen shows links to online training videos that will help you get started.

The Home screen shows links to online training videos when you first start using Premiere Pro. If you have opened projects previously, a list will appear in the middle of the Home screen. As your list of recent projects gets longer, the links to online training videos are removed to make room for the list. A Premiere Pro project file contains all your creative decisions for a project, links referred to as clips to your selected media files, sequences made by combining those clips, special effects settings, and more.

Premiere Pro project files have the extension. Whenever you work in Premiere Pro, you will be making adjustments to a project file.

You need to create a new project file or open an existing one to use Premiere Pro. There are a few important buttons on the Home screen, some of which look like text but can actually be clicked look out for text that works as a button in the Premiere Pro interface : New Project to create a new empty project file. Open Project to open an existing project by browsing your storage drive for the project file.

Home takes you back to this screen if you have clicked Sync Settings. Sync Settings allows you to synchronize your user settings across multiple computers. If you have used Premiere Rush to create a project, it will be available to open. Try opening an existing project: 1.

Click Open Project. Select Locate, at the bottom right. Premiere Pro will locate the missing file and highlight it on the right side of the window. Select the file, and click OK. Premiere Pro will remember this location for other missing files, and relink them automatically without your needing to link each one individually.

Working with workspaces The Premiere Pro interface is divided into panels. Each panel has a particular purpose. For example, the Effects panel lists all the effects available for you to apply to clips, while the Effect Controls panel gives you access to the settings for those effects. A workspace is a preset arrangement of panels, organized to make particular tasks easier. Every panel is accessible from the Window menu, but workspaces are a quicker way to access several panels, and have them laid out exactly as you need them, in a single step.

Then, to reset the Editing workspace, click the small panel menu icon next to the Editing option on the Workspaces panel, and choose Reset To Saved Layout. A Notice the various workspace names displayed in the Workspaces panel. Things become simpler when you know what the buttons are for. The interface is designed to make video editing easy, so commonly used controls are immediately accessible. Workspaces consist of panels, and you can save space by gathering several panels into a panel group.

The names of all the panels in the group are displayed across the top. When many panels are combined, you may not be able to see all their names. If this is the case, a list of all the panels in the group becomes available.

Some important interface elements are as follows: Project panel: This is where you organize the links to your media files referred to as clips , sequences, and graphics in bins. Bins are similar to folders—you can place one bin inside another for more advanced organization of your media assets. You view and work on sequences the term for video segments edited together in the Timeline panel.

One feature of sequences is that you can nest them place one sequence inside another sequence. In this way, you can break up a production into manageable chunks or create unique special effects.

Tracks: You can layer—or composite—video clips, images, graphics, and titles on an unlimited number of tracks. Video and graphic clips on upper video tracks cover whatever is directly below them on the timeline. Therefore, you need to give clips on higher tracks some form of transparency or reduce their size if you want clips on lower tracks to show.

Monitor panels: Use the Source Monitor on the left to view and select parts of clips your original footage. The Program Monitor on the right is for viewing your current sequence, displayed in the Timeline panel. Media Browser: This important panel allows you to browse your storage to find media. Libraries: This panel gives access to custom Lumetri color Looks, motion graphics templates, graphics, and to shared libraries for collaboration.

It also acts as a browser and store for the Adobe Stock service. Effects panel: This panel contains the effects you will use in your sequences, including video filters, audio effects, and transitions. Once applied, the controls for these effects are displayed in the Effect Controls panel. Audio Clip Mixer: This panel is based on audio production studio hardware, with volume sliders and pan controls. There is one set of controls for each audio track on the timeline.

The adjustments you make are applied to audio clips. Effect Controls panel: This panel displays the controls for any effects applied to a clip you select in a sequence or open in the Source Monitor.

If you select a visual clip in the Timeline panel, Motion, Opacity, and Time Remapping controls are always available. Most effect parameters are adjustable over time. Tools panel: Each icon in this panel gives access to a tool that performs a specific function in the Timeline panel. Several tools have a small triangle icon, indicating a menu of additional tools.

Press and hold on one of these tools to see the menu of options. Info panel: The Info panel displays information about any item you select in the Project panel or any clip or transition you select in a sequence. History panel: This panel tracks the steps you take and lets you back up easily. When you select a previous step, all steps that came after it are also undone.

The name of each panel is displayed at the top. When a panel is displayed, the name is underlined, and a panel menu appears next to the name with options particular to that panel. U sing the Learning workspace Using the Learning workspace While other workspaces are intended to facilitate a particular creative activity, the Learning workspace is an exception. This workspace includes the Learn panel, which offers a series of tutorials to help you build familiarity with the Premiere Pro interface and several important skills.

You will find the tutorials complement the exercises in this book well, and you may find it helpful to practice first with this book and then explore the relevant tutorials to reinforce the lessons you have learned.

Customizing a workspace In addition to choosing between the default workspaces, you can adjust the position and location of panels to create a workspace that works best for you.

You can create multiple workspaces for different tasks. As you change the size of a panel or panel group, other panels change size to compensate. Every panel within a panel group is accessible by clicking its name. All panels are movable—you can drag a panel from one group to another. You can drag a panel out of a group to become a separate floating panel. Position your pointer on the vertical divider between the Source Monitor and the rogram Monitor. Drag left and right to change the sizes of those panels.

Now place the pointer on the horizontal divider between the Program Monitor and the Timeline panel. Drag up and down to change the sizes of these panels. Click the name of the Media Browser panel, at the top, and drag it to the middle of the Source Monitor to dock the Media Browser panel in that panel group. Release the panel, and your workspace should have a new panel group that contains just the Effects panel. When you drag a panel by its name, Premiere Pro displays a drop zone.

If the drop zone is a trapezoid, it will create a new panel group. You can also pull panels into their own floating windows. Drop the Source Monitor anywhere, creating a floating panel. You can resize the panel by dragging a corner or a side. T Note You may need to resize a panel to see all of its controls. As you gain experience, you might want to create and save the layout of your panels as a customized workspace. Type a name, and click OK.

Now, to return to a recognizable starting point, choose the preset Editing workspace, and reset it. Premiere Pro has several types of settings. This is the area of a panel you use to move the panel, almost like a handle you can grab the panel by.

Note When panels and panel groups were first introduced in Premiere Pro, the names of panes were incorporated into a tabbed design. Over time, the interface has been restyled and cleaned up, which led to the removal of the tabs themselves—but the name remained. Preferences will be covered in depth as they relate to the individual lessons in this book. Drag the Brightness slider to the right to suit your preference.

The default brightness is a dark gray to help you see colors correctly human perception of color is influenced by surrounding colors.

There are additional options for controlling the brightness of interface highlights. Experiment with the Interactive Controls and Focus Indicators brightness sliders. Set all three settings to Default by clicking the Default buttons when you have finished. Switch to the Auto Save preferences by clicking the preference name on the left. Imagine if you had worked for hours and then there was a power outage.

With these options, you can decide how often you would like Premiere Pro to save an automated backup of your project file and how many versions you would like to keep in total. Auto save backups have the date and time they were created added to the filename. This option creates an additional backup of your project file in your Creative Cloud Files folder.

If you suffer a total system failure while working, you can log in to any Premiere Pro editing system with your Adobe ID to access the backup project file and quickly carry on working.

If you have a sudden system failure like a power outage , this is the file you will most likely want to open to continue working. Note Premiere Pro allows you to open multiple projects at the same time. Click Cancel to close the Preferences dialog box without applying any changes.

These are usually faster and easier than clicking. Many keyboard shortcuts are shared universally by nonlinear editing systems. The spacebar, for example, starts and stops playback—this even works on some websites. The I and O keys, for example, are used to set In and Out marks on footage and sequences. These special marks indicate the start and end of a desired section and were originally drawn on celluloid directly.

Other keyboard shortcuts are available but not configured by default. This allows flexibility when setting up your editing system. It can be a little daunting to see the number of keyboard shortcuts available, but by the end of this book you will recognize most of the options displayed here. Some keyboard shortcuts are specific to individual panels. You can view them by opening the Commands menu and examining the list of items. These make it easier to remember commonly used shortcuts.

The keyboard shortcut display updates to show the results of combining the modifier key with the character keys. Notice there are many keys without shortcuts assigned when you use a modifier key. These are available for you to assign your own shortcuts. You can set keyboard shortcuts with any combination of modifier keys. If you press a character key, or character and modifier key combination, that particular shortcut information is displayed.

Having found an option you would like to assign to a key, drag it from the list onto the key you would like to use in the upper part of the dialog box.

To remove a shortcut, click the key, and choose Clear at the bottom right. For now, click Cancel. For example, you might prefer the interface to be brighter than the default. Premiere Pro includes the option to share your user preferences between multiple computers: When installing Premiere Pro, you will enter your Adobe ID to confirm your software license. You can use the same ID to store your user preferences in Creative Cloud, allowing you to synchronize and update them from any installation of Premiere Pro.

You can sync your preferences while on the Home screen by choosing Sync Settings. If a dialog box appears asking if you would like to save changes you have made, click No. Why is Premiere Pro considered a nonlinear editor?

What is the Media Browser used for? Can you save a customized workspace? What is the purpose of the Source Monitor and the Program Monitor? How can you drag a panel to its own floating panel? The Media Browser allows you to browse and import media files without having to open an external file browser. You can view and trim your original footage in the Source Monitor and use the Program Monitor to view the contents of the current timeline sequence as you build it.

You will not need any of the downloadable lesson files. Before you begin editing, you need to create a new project and choose some settings for your first sequence.

To help you plan and manage your projects, this lesson contains information about formats and video technology. You may decide to revisit this lesson later, as your familiarity with Premiere Pro and nonlinear video editing develops. Each item is displayed in the Project panel as a clip. The name clip originally described sections of celluloid film lengths of film were literally clipped to separate them from a roll , but these days the term refers to any item in the project, regardless of the type of media.

You could have an audio clip or an image sequence clip, for example. Clips displayed in the Project panel appear to be media files, but they are actually only links to those files. You can delete one without affecting the other more on this later. When working on a project, you will create at least one sequence—that is, a series of clips that play, one after another, sometimes overlapping, with special effects, titles, and sound, to form your completed creative work.

The beauty of nonlinear editing with Premiere Pro is that you can change your mind about almost anything, at any time. Premiere Pro project files have the file extension. Starting a new project is simple. You create a new project file, import media, choose a sequence preset, and start editing.

To speed things up, you can use a sequence preset to choose the settings and then make adjustments if necessary. You need to know the kind of video and audio your camera records because your sequence settings will usually be based on your original source footage to minimize conversion during playback.

In fact, most Premiere Pro sequence presets are named after cameras to make it easier to choose the correct option. Launch Premiere Pro. You should see Lesson Notice that you can thin out the list of recent project files by typing some text into the Filter text box—only project files whose file names contain the text will be displayed. There are a couple of other items in this window: 1. Magnifying glass icon: Click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the Home screen to open a multipurpose Search screen.

User icon: Next to the magnifying glass is a thumbnail of your Adobe ID profile picture. If you have just signed up, this may be a generic thumbnail. Click the IL icon to manage your account online. Click New Project to open the New Project dialog box. Below the new project name and location fields, this dialog box has three tabs: General, Scratch Disks, and Ingest Settings.

Click in the Name box, and name your new project First Project. Click Choose to establish this new folder as the location for the new project. Note When choosing a location for your project file, you may want to choose a recently used location from the Location menu. If your project is set up correctly, the General section in the New Project window should look similar to the screen shown here. Some special effects can be played immediately, combining your original video with the effect and displaying the results as soon as you click Play.

That is, Premiere Pro will attempt to display your video clips, combined with the special effects, but it will not show every single frame each second. Premiere Pro displays colored lines along the top of the Timeline panel, where you build sequences, to tell you when extra work is required to play back your video.

No line or a yellow line means Premiere Pro expects to be able to play without dropping frames. If frames are being dropped, there is a simple solution: preview rendering.

What do rendering and real time mean? Imagine you have a piece of video that is too dark. When your edited sequence plays, sections that are rendered display the newly rendered video file instead of the original clip or clips.

The process is invisible and seamless. In this example, the rendered file looks like the original video file but brighter.

When the part of your sequence with the brightened clip is finished, your system invisibly and seamlessly switches back from playing the preview file to playing your other original video files. The downside of rendering is that it takes up extra space for media storage, and it takes time. The upside with rendering is that you can be confident your system will be able to play the results of your effect at full quality, with all the frames per second.

More effects are more work to play back, for example. When you render, Premiere Pro creates new media files that look like the results of your effects work and then plays back those files in place of the original footage. The rendered preview is a regular video file, so playback is at high quality and full frame rate, without your computer having to do any extra work. You render effects in a sequence by choosing a render command from the Sequence enu. Back in the New Project dialog box, under Video Rendering And Playback, if the Renderer menu is available, it means you have graphics hardware in your computer that meets the minimum requirements for GPU acceleration and it is installed correctly.

Many menu items display a keyboard shortcut on the right. Performance can vary and some graphics hardware configurations allow multiple types of acceleration, so you may need to experiment to find the best option for your system. Some advanced GPU configurations also allow you to choose a persistent Preview Cache to improve playback. Mercury Playback Engine Software Only: This mode will still give excellent performance that uses all of the available power in your computer.

You will almost certainly want to choose GPU acceleration and benefit from the additional performance if you can. However, if you experience performance or stability issues using GPU acceleration, choose the Software Only option in this menu. Playback performance: Premiere Pro plays back video files with great efficiency, even when working with the types of video that are difficult to play back, such as H.

The results are even better performance and responsiveness when working with sequences, and many special effects will play in real time, without dropping frames. Setting the video and audio display formats The next two areas of the General tab in the New Project dialog box allow you to choose how Premiere Pro should measure time for your video and audio clips.

The correct choice for a given project largely depends on whether you are working with video or celluloid film as your source material. The choices are as follows: Timecode: This is the default option. Timecode is a universal system for counting hours, minutes, seconds, and individual frames of video. The same system is used by cameras, professional video recorders, and nonlinear editing systems all around the world.

Rather than measuring time as seconds and frames, this system counts the number of feet plus the number of frames since the last foot. Frames: This option simply counts the number of frames of video.

For this exercise, leave Video Display Format set to Timecode. The Audio Display Format menu For audio files, time can be displayed as samples or milliseconds. Audio Samples: When digital audio is recorded, sound level samples are taken technically, air pressure level , as captured by the microphone, thousands of times T a second. In the case of most professional video cameras, this happens 48, times per second.

When playing clips and sequences, Premiere Pro gives you the choice of displaying time as hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, or as hours, minutes, seconds, and samples. Milliseconds: With this mode chosen, Premiere Pro can display time in your sequences as hours, minutes, seconds, and thousandths of a second. By default, Premiere Pro lets you zoom the Timeline enough to view individual sequence clip segment frames. However, you can easily switch to showing the audio display format instead.

This powerful feature lets you make the tiniest adjustments to your audio. About seconds and frames When a camera records video, it captures a series of still images of the action. If there are enough images captured each second, it looks like moving video when played back. Each picture is called a frame, and the number of frames each second is usually called frames per second fps or the recording or playback frame rate. It could be any number, including


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To hide the video from http://replace.me/2001.txt particular track in the timeline:. You should not edit the AVCHD folder or any files within this folder, or you risk corrupting the video footage.

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