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18 wheels of steel across america pc game download.18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal


It came out in around a year after the original game and despite the quick turnaround, it featured many things that they actually wanted to put in the first game. Trucking games have come along way, but there is something charming about this game so if you like trucking games it is worth taking a closer look at.

For years I have had an interest in trucks. I think it dates back to when I was a kid and I would signal for truck drivers to honk their horns. It would be so easy to say that the game looks bad, but to be fair at the time it was released, these graphics were actually pretty decent. You get to drive through many different parts of the USA and while they are not as detailed or authentic as what you would get in a modern trucking sim, they are diverse and all look different.

So again, do not just look at this game and think it is ugly. It is just an older game and they did the best with what they had. It is a game that is very clearly showing its age.

There are plenty of different trucks and other vehicles on the road, but these also look a tad rough by today’s standards. One thing I will say about 18 Wheels of Steel Across America is that the game is still pretty fun to play. It feels far more stripped back than what we have with modern trucking games, but sometimes things being simpler, can make them more fun. You have lots of loads to deliver and you will be going to many different parts of the country. There is a nice amount of diversity here and I like how you can go from having to navigate busy city streets to a more rural area that has smaller and trickier roads.

Then you have the large open road sections which are fun and relaxing to drive through. You do have to watch out for other drivers, going too fast and even problems occurring with your truck. Not to mention, you need to keep an eye on that fuel gauge! The hardest part of the game for me was delivering my loads to a place that has a loading dock.

This is way trickier than you would think. I must admit that when it comes to trucking games, 18 Wheels of Steel Across America is not the best. However, while its sequels are notably better than this. I will say that this game is at the very least better than the one that came before it and that is all you can really ask.

Some may think that it looks too old to be fun, but I have to disagree. It is a game that is very rough around the edges, but rather than thinking of it as being old, I like to think it is more old-school!

What we have here with 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America is the second game in this long-running series. Incredibly this was released all the way back in , only a year or so after the first game in the series.

I get the impression that this is what they really wanted that first game to be. Despite never driving a truck myself I have always had an interest in the world of truck driving. It is something I have always found fascinating.

The visuals of the game are a tad rough, actually, that is a bit harsh. I would not say that they are rough, more that they are showing their age. To be fair this is a game that is the better part of two decades old as I write this. Still, the different parts of the country you are driving in are different enough and there is a decent selection of different vehicles on the road. It is just very jarring to go back and play a game like this after playing the more modern trucking games that are out there.

The gameplay sees you need to deliver goods all over the country. You need to pay attention to the road and there are many other things that you have to keep an eye on as well. These range from speed traps, issues with your truck, fuel and actually delivering the goods. On more than one occasion I had one hell of a great run to deliver a load, only to be tripped up by a very awkward loading dock where I crashed multiple times trying to drop off my load. The game is fun to play and when you are on a long stretch of road it has a kind of Zen-like vibe to the whole thing that I like.

I would not say that 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America is one of the best trucking games I have played, but for its time it was a real breath of fresh air. It is most certainly better than the game that came before it and I feel it set the tone for what the series would become over the next few years. Browse games Game Portals.

Install Game. Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.

Game review Downloads Screenshots Overall rating: 8. Download 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America. Life On The Road! Overall rating: 7. GameFabrique


18 wheels of steel across america pc game download


Trucking games have come along way, but there is something charming about this game so if you like trucking games it is worth taking a closer look at. For years I have had an interest in trucks. I think it dates back to when I was a kid and I would signal for truck drivers to honk their horns. It would be so easy to say that the game looks bad, but to be fair at the time it was released, these graphics were actually pretty decent. You get to drive through many different parts of the USA and while they are not as detailed or authentic as what you would get in a modern trucking sim, they are diverse and all look different.

So again, do not just look at this game and think it is ugly. It is just an older game and they did the best with what they had. It is a game that is very clearly showing its age. There are plenty of different trucks and other vehicles on the road, but these also look a tad rough by today’s standards.

One thing I will say about 18 Wheels of Steel Across America is that the game is still pretty fun to play. It feels far more stripped back than what we have with modern trucking games, but sometimes things being simpler, can make them more fun.

You have lots of loads to deliver and you will be going to many different parts of the country. Plus, the overall graphics are much better and more realistic, the damage is more detailed, and there are more details in the game.

Overall, this is still a great hard truck game, and although it doesn’t have the same kind of features as the original hard truck series, it’s a fun game to play. If you like the original hard truck installments, then this would be another great download.

We don’t have any change log information yet for version of 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated. If you have any changelog info you can share with us, we’d love to hear from you! Head over to our Contact page and let us know. This comprehensive guide was prepared after extensive research and should help you easily an. Consumers start out with just a single truck, the Scrambler, and can later build on that, developing multiple trucks,.

You can also choose your headquarters, company, and difficulty. The loading time is pretty quick. The gameplay is relatively simple. Sadly you can only look from side to side and your view is extremely limited. If you need it, the map can also be placed on the screen for easy viewing. You can choose the kind of products you can deliver and the routes you can take to get to your destinations.

Despite its age, a lot of players still swear by this game, and for good reason. The graphics, design, and lack of detail are forgivable due to the outdated technology and lack of resources the developers probably had to deal with.

Go ahead and check out this classic driving game! I learn a lot from this game. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. Publisher: Cosmi Valusoft. Share Embed. Add to Cart. Bundle info. Add to Account. View Community Hub. About This Game Heed the call of the open road, throw the gears in motion and take off in a tractor trailer. Keep in mind that there’s more to being a successful businessman than just driving fast. You’ve got to manage your money, keep your rig running smooth and watch out for speed traps that might trip you up.

Bad weather? Fuel troubles? Tricky loading docks that require pinpoint precision? It’s all part of life in the cab of a wheeler.

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